Mommy Time Out
Hi! I'm Angela Hickman and I'm a Milton mom to a beautiful girl and handsome boy! Yep I have the "Million Dollar" family:) I love being a mom and my wish is to one day be a stay at home mom. It's tough being a full time employee, mom to highly energetic kids and wife to a wonderful husband. There isn't much time for a Mommy Time Out but I always try to find a little time. I love to shop and find new things that help make life easier and sometimes even more fun. My blog is all about the joys and frustrations of being a mom and hopefully helping other parents find products that will help make their life easier.
View BlogsAsk a Naturopath
My name is Dr. Carly Wendler and I am a licensed Naturopathic Doctor with a special interest and passion for perinatal health, that is all things fertility, pregnancy, birth, babies, and post-partum. I offer a range of naturopathic services to my community and patients including well pregnancy visits, well baby visits, and treatment for all conditions or concerns related to moms, babies, and families. I not only wear the hat of a naturopathic doctor but that of a mom to my toddler son Finnigan. Being pregnant and birthing my son (using hypnobirthing!) has further heightened my passion for mom and baby centred care and informed choice for all parents. I hope to bring information and confidence to every parent I meet so that they can make a truly well informed, safe choice for their child and family.
View BlogsBicycle Built for Six
Lianne is a Canadian mother of four, entrepreneur and author of Lianne’s Quick Guide - for the busy woman. Her first title is called Babies 0-6 months and can be purchased directly from her website. She lives & works just outside of Amsterdam and can usually be found biking around on her bicycle built for six. You can follow her on Facebook and on Twitter
View BlogsOh Baby! Book Nook

We thought this would be a fun way to compile our favourite parenting and kids books and share them with you!
View BlogsCelebrity Baby Scoop
Celebrity Baby Scoop is one of the most popular blogs on the topic and the foremost provider of everything celebrity-baby, featuring baby fashion, baby names, baby trends and up-to-the-minute celebrity baby gossip and pics. Get all the latest news, updates, and photos about Hollywood’s most beloved celebrity moms, dads and their babies. Who’s the latest Tinseltown baby? Who’s due next and who just announced a pregnancy? It’s all on Celebrity Baby Scoop.
View BlogsCrissie's Corner

I am a 30-something Stay at Home Mother to my trouble making toddler Emma (AKA Dilemma) and a wife to my wonderful husband Bohdan. I am an artist, writer, and the queen of multi-tasking. Family is the most important thing for me and mine is truly the reason I wake up everyday. I was born and raised in Toronto into my boisterous Italian family and I continue to this day in the traditions I was taught, homemade wine, cured sausages, jarred tomatoes and so many others. I have embraced my husband and his Ukrainian roots as my own. (I must say I have learned to make a mean patychky and a delectable borsht.) I want to beat my infertility a second time, maybe even a third. I think life is precious, and aim to enjoy every single moment of it, even on my worst days of Dilemma supernova meltdown, tantrums, cold and projectile vomit I remember what a blessing it is to have her as my daughter.
View BlogsDaddy Locker

Daddy Locker (aka Mike Locker), father of two, helps parents navigate the ups and downs of parenting through his expert advice. He covers topics ranging from taking baby out to eat without annoying the other diners, best ways to swaddle baby and how to how to be an involved dad. Daddy Locker is also the founder of Cozy-Cover, innovative parenting solutions for on-the-go families, and is constantly putting his creative skills to work developing new products to make parents’ lives easier and more convenient.
View BlogsDebbie Fazio
Debbie Fazio is a Baby Parenting Coach. She is certified as a Postpartum Doula, Newborn Care Specialist, Infant Sleep Consultant, Happiest Baby Instructor and Infant & Toddler Sign Language Instructor. She has over 7000 hours working directly with newborns and their parents including many sets of multiples. Being a mother of three children, including a set of twins, has enabled her to be compassionate, non-judgmental and knowledgeable in her role in helping parents. Debbie has supported many families around the world with issues from newborn care to sleep nurturing for families with one baby as well as families with multiples. Debbie is committed to empowering parents with the tools to help them transition into parenthood with confidence and love so they can enjoy the precious moments with their baby. Visit her website at Precious Moments Babeez
View BlogsDouble The Fun

I'm Brianne and I am a local TV producer and videographer in York Region. My job enables me to share stories and experiences with my viewers. At the age of 32 I am now writing a new chapter of my own...I'm a first time expectant mommy of not only one but two bundles of joy! The journey hasn't been an easy one. It's included a devastating miscarriage, infertility fears, followed by the unexpected yet amazing news that my husband and I will be welcoming twins in the spring. I started writing my blogs as a way to share my experiences, the good and the bad, as well as a way to help other moms and dads out there that might be going through something similar.
View BlogsDr. Michelle Peris, ND
Dr. Michelle Peris is a Naturopathic Doctor whose goal is to empower people to achieve optimal health and wellness. Dr. Michelle has a special interest in women’s and pediatric health care, including perinatal care. She has a strong background and natural ability in physical medicine and extensive experience in the treatment of hormonal imbalances, digestive health concerns such as celiac disease, and atopic conditions such as allergies, asthma and eczema. Treatment programs include nutrition and nutraceutical supplementation, botanical medicine, homeopathy, physical medicine, lifestyle counseling, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture. Dr. Michelle is registered with the Board of Directors of Drugless Therapy - Naturopathy (BDDT-N) and an active member of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) and the Association of Perinatal Naturopathic Doctors (APND). She advanced her education in TCM and acupuncture with an externship at The National Hospital for Traditional Medicine in Hanoi, Vietnam. To be inspired to live your best life now through healthful choices, follow Dr. Michelle on her blog – Dr. Mom, ND, Facebook and Twitter!
View BlogsEverything Mom and Baby
Erica is the blogger and owner of Everything Mom and Baby based in Toronto,ON. Before motherhood took over she specialized in Esthetics and Aromatherapy. Erica loves reviewing baby gear, baby carriers which is her specialty and she supports eco/organic friendly products. She believes in being an informed consumer, she is a strict label/ingredient reader and with her blog she can share with you only the best and offer quality products for her reviews and giveaways. Ask Erica about any product, she probably knows it. Erica is also the Canadian/USA retailer for JPMBB hybrid babycarrier wraps a first in North America. You can follow Erica at Everything Mom and Baby, Facebook and Twitter.
View BlogsFully Alive Wellness
Nicole Nifo is a Registered Massage Therapist and founder of Fully Alive Wellness Centre. She has extensive training in Pregnancy Massage and has worked closely with high risk pregnant women at the Women’s College Hospital in Toronto. After becoming certified to work with infants and children, Nicole created the BabyLove Infant Massage classes. Currently, Nicole has started to practice as a Birth Doula (DONA). Her goal as a Therapist is to ensure that top quality care is given to mom and baby and to educate families on the many benefits of loving touch. Can’t make it out to a class? Both Pregnancy Massage treatments and Baby Love Infant Massage classes are offered In-Home!! Nicole can be contacted at 416-578-5107, e-mail or visit
View BlogsJennifer Chung is a parenting expert and co-founder of part parenting community, part online health record. Kinsights provides parents with a safe place to seek answers to their questions while also helping them track their child’s health information. Organize your child’s growth and developmental milestones, immunizations, medications, allergies, and more. Connect with Kinsights at to learn more and sign-up! You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter (@kinsights).
View BlogsShira Stein
Shira Stein is the lead Mom Rep at online baby and parenting gear company, She drives many of the company’s product selections based on experience, testing and customer feedback. In addition, she provides moms and dads with real world advice about the ups and downs of parenting and helps them navigate this special journey. The dream of PishPoshBaby was born out of a desire to find the more reliable baby products and advice available to real moms just like you. Their high-quality online store supplies facts and advice to parents who are completely lost in the whirlwind of baby gear. Visit their site at for more information and follow their blog. You can also “LIKE” them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter @pishposhbaby, Pinterest, and Instagram.
View BlogsToddler Trials

Kat is mama to two wild boys, wife to one wild husband and owner of one lazy dog. When she’s not freelance writing, she writes her own blog This Is The Place. She lives near the lake in the west end and wears strange clothes. She’s also trying to see how abstract she can get her bio.
View BlogsFood for Thought
Lianne Phillipson is the founder of Sprout Right, a company that specializes in pre-conception, prenatal, and postnatal nutrition for women, as well as good food and health for the whole family. With over ten years of experience, Lianne is a registered nutritionist, member of the International Organization of Nutrition Consultants, and mother of two. Lianne is passionate about the environment. Her commitment to a healthy, environmentally balanced lifestyle is reflected in both her personal life and the Sprout Right philosophy. Organic food, recycling, and environmental conservation are all integrated into the workshops and cooking classes. Lianne has a number of interests outside of nutrition. She is the mother of two daughters, and an active contributor to their school programs, as well as an IFR reflexologist, aromatherapist, and Reiki master.
View BlogsBaby Bottom Line
My name is Lisa, a GTA Mom... and the Mom behind The Baby Bottom Line. I love Mommy sites, product testing and dishing about them with other Moms! I am a mother to a preemie princess born in March 2009 and a Mama’s boy born in December 2012. I am the one person that if you don't want a truthful answer...don't ask me the question. Yes, I will tell look fat in that dress, no..those shoes don't go well with that belt...or don't bother buying that baby product because you'll never use it! Trust me, sometimes you just need a truthful answer, hear that someone else has gone through the same thing or just someone to talk and connect with for support. If that's what you're looking for, I'm here to dish about it!
View BlogsLisa Carmody Doiron
Lisa Carmody Doiron is a music teacher, writer, performer, wife and mother living in PEI, Canada. She writes a weekly blog called Momologues-Soliloquies on poop, barf and postpartum depression. She's also a regular contributor to G! Magazine and guest writer for BLUNTmoms. In her spare time she likes to sing and play her ukulele, and some day, she hopes to take up cooking and exercising. Lisa is also part of a group of women who are campaigning for better reproductive health services in her province. You can find her blog at:
View BlogsMartha Scully
Founder of, Martha Scully and her team have helped thousands of parents find childcare across Canada for over 10 years. In 2011 she added Adult/Senior/Elder Care, Housekeeping and Pet Care services to, giving families one place to find all their care needs. Just like other moms, in her spare time she is a taxi driver, teacher, cook and housekeeper to her two daughters, Sophie and Charlotte. She has been featured on CanadaAM, in Today’s Parent, the Globe & Mail, as well as being selected as the 2008 SavvyMom Entrepreneur of the Year. For more information, please visit To contact Martha, please email her or phone 1-866-221-7918.
View BlogsMom of 8 Crazy Monkeys
The difference between this and a circus is that circuses run with a sense of order. Chantel Kowdrysh loves her children, all eight of her noisy, crazy, joyous, running about screaming, pushing, fighting, ADHD child, and developmentally issued children. It doesn’t matter if they are enjoying the hell of shopping together, the nightmarish adventure of traveling anywhere together, the insanity of school mornings or the quiet tenderness of a few moments between mother and child. She’s determined to make it work, or go even more insane trying. Chantel spends what quiet time she can get writing for the magazine Mississauga Kids, and various parenting web sites. If she cannot be found at her laptop sipping a Wildberry, then she can be found behind the wheel of her 15 seater van, with a Timmies triple, triple. A former Canadian National Gymnast, she traded in her six pack abs for an 8 pack of kids and now she is looking for the keg. Check out her blog at
View BlogsMommy Meltdowns

Readers who love to write and want you to hear what they have to say. Rants, raves, reviews, opinions and stories of meltdowns – both toddler and mommy. This is what this space is for. Interested in contributing? Email Sandy at
View BlogsDaddy Nickell
Robert Nickell, aka Daddy Nickell, father of 6, offers his "5 cents" worth of advice to expectant and new parents. Daddy Nickell is the founder of, delivery room duds and daddy gear for dads, and the blog where he covers topics about parenting and the latest baby and kids gear, all from a Dad's perspective.
View BlogsMummy Madness
I got married and had two children all in 3 years. My son, also my first child, was born with a health condition that required surgery and we spent our first 6 weeks of parenthood in a NICU at a children’s hospital. It was the most difficult time of my life. Even after he came home I struggled with anxiety, depression, fear and anger. I turned to writing and my words slowly allowed me to crawl out of the hole I had dug myself into. I was forever changed. I began to realize that I had the ability to help others who were struggling with their journey in parenthood. As parents, we all have moments where we aren't sure what we are doing. I continue to write and share my experiences in hopes that I can help part the clouds for someone who is struggling.
View BlogsDo it all Daddy

I’m the publisher of Oh Baby! Magazine. My life consists of trying to convince baby brands and mom related products to advertise in a baby magazine that reaches their exact demographic. Sounds easy, right?
View BlogsOh Infertility!

Hello, my name is Sandra. I’m married to the-best-guy-ever and have a stepson who is the-best-stepson-ever. I have a great life – my dream job, a loving family and friends, a lot of hobbies. But, I always have spare time for one more hobby. I have been fighting infertility for some time now. It seems that I want to stop having spare time. You know, I have my cake, but the cherry is missing.
View BlogsOur Sound Sleeper, Rosemary Greisman
As a mom of four children, I know how important it is to have a good night's sleep. With over 20 years experience working with infants and children, and a passion for babies, I am committed to helping you solve your child's sleep challenges in a way that fits your parenting style. I founded Our Sound Sleeper to empower parents with the tools that will give them the confidence to raise happy children. Through my consultation services I design a plan that is suitable for parents struggling with sleep. I also cover all key topics — feeding, napping, bathing and anything else that is relevant. I provide my clients with daily friendly, non- judgmental coaching so that ultimately, parents know that they’re the boss! I’m available for private consultation in the GTA and can be reached at 416-616-8855. Through this blog I’d like to help parents by answering questions related to sleep. Please e-mail them and I will answer them as best as I can. I am here to help you and your family to sleep soundly.
View BlogsPick of the Week

Each Friday one of the Oh Baby! Team members will be posting their favourite thing from the week, whether it's a photo, story or a link, to add a little sunshine to your lives.
View BlogsSandy's Blah, Blah, Blog

I started Oh Baby! Magazine with my husband during my first pregnancy. My love of writing and my obsession with magazines paired with my husband’s many skills have proven to be a great combination. I'm from Toronto - born and raised - and I've been married for eight years. Since the inception of Oh Baby! I've had two babies, Andreas and Alexandra . What a ride it's been! I’d like to share with you my struggles with trying to find this so-called – and I think unachievable - “balance” I keep reading about… Follow Sandy E on Twitter
View BlogsPregnancy Exercise Q&A with Sarah
Do you have any pre- or postnatal health questions? Ask Sarah! Sarah is a certified Kinesiologist, Exercise Physiologist, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor and former international fitness competitor with over 15 years of fitness industry experience. Sarah is the creator of the Prenatal and Postnatal Strength Workout DVDs (filmed in HD). She is also the co-creator of the Elemental Workout®, a workout based on the four elements, Fire, Water, Earth and Air - an all in one workout that incorporates Cardio, Strength, Core and Flexibility training into a complete full body session. Sarah enjoys teaching classes and working one on one with clients, beginning with a full musculoskeletal assessment to help determine if there are any muscle imbalances/weaknesses or tight areas. She helps expecting moms stay fit and strong throughout their pregnancies and helps new moms bounce back quickly after baby. She designs home based workouts, gym workouts and baby workouts!
View BlogsAsk a Chiropractor

Hi there, I’m Dr. Shaila Callaghan. I am a family wellness chiropractor with a special focus in prenatal care and pediatrics, particularly children’s brain development. I completed my Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in 2011, where I was the proud recipient of the Vern Welsh Memorial Award for excellence in Radiology. Previously, I graduated Summa Cum Laude from McMaster University, specializing in the fields of Botany and Histology. In my practice at the Vita Integrative Health Clinic at Yonge and St. Clair in Toronto, I am proud to care for hundreds of pregnant ladies, kids of all ages (including newborns), and families alike. Outside of the clinic, I maintain a healthy and active lifestyle which I integrate into my daily practice. I enjoy hiking, boating, puzzles and I love to exercise and explore my surroundings! To book an appointment with Dr. Shaila, please call (416) 962-2000. Check out Dr. Shaila online at and
View Blogs2 Mamas

Jennifer and Maria are mamas that spend most of their days dancing away! Life is busy and for these 2 Mamas. Read our blog as we take you along on our adventures and rants as moms trying to do it all in a world that doesn’t have enough hours!
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