Pregnancy Exercise Q&A with Sarah
Do you have any pre- or postnatal health questions? Ask Sarah! Sarah is a certified Kinesiologist, Exercise Physiologist, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor and former international fitness competitor with over 15 years of fitness industry experience. Sarah is the creator of the Prenatal and Postnatal Strength Workout DVDs (filmed in HD). She is also the co-creator of the Elemental Workout®, a workout based on the four elements, Fire, Water, Earth and Air - an all in one workout that incorporates Cardio, Strength, Core and Flexibility training into a complete full body session. Sarah enjoys teaching classes and working one on one with clients, beginning with a full musculoskeletal assessment to help determine if there are any muscle imbalances/weaknesses or tight areas. She helps expecting moms stay fit and strong throughout their pregnancies and helps new moms bounce back quickly after baby. She designs home based workouts, gym workouts and baby workouts!
Post-Natal Core Exercises
I'd like some great core exercises for women who have 'split' their abs during pregnancy. Mine are only slightly separated but I have only seen exercises I can't do in my mommy n me fitness class (plank, sit ups, etc). – Amber Great question! Diastasis recti is common during pregnancy and it is essentially a separation of the abdominal wall at the linea alba (midline of the abs). You’ll want to ensure the muscles come back together...
Hot Yoga While Pregnant?
Please set the record straight on hot yoga while pregnant! Doctor says no, others say its okay if you're a long time hot yogi. I miss Moksha! – Katie It’s always difficult to give up things you love (coffee anyone?) but I would have to agree with the doc on this one. Hot yoga classes can increase your core temperature and during pregnancy, you want to avoid overheating to protect baby. Try other yoga classes at room temperature and as...
Post Natal Excercise Q&A
I have 2 kiddies both by way of c section, my youngest is 12 months and I still get a horrible nagging pain by my incision when I try to do stomach work, any suggestions on different things that target lower abs without leg raises? - Carly Congratulations! The pain can definitely be frustrating. I would recommend avoiding leg raises and crunches for a short time. Focus on the deep core and drawing the navel in whenever possible. Try...