Our magazine is dedicated to providing readers with information to support them through pre-conception, during pregnancy, and throughout their child’s early years. Regular Oh Baby! features include: nutrition and health tips, recipes, fun contests, new products and innovations, an extensive resource directory, and more. Oh Baby! Magazine really delivers!
Winter Baby Car Seat Safety
With the arrival of the winter season, parents are tempted to bundle up their babies as thickly as possible in order to keep them snug and warm. The warmth factor can interfere with the safety factor of the baby car seat. The problem is that this is not the best idea if you are planning to put a baby in a car seat with a five-point harness. The reason is that the harness system then serves to hold the coat in place and not the baby. This defeats...
Introducing Young Children to Winter Snow Sports – Alpine Skiing
Winter offers many opportunities for families to participate in outdoor recreation. Alpine skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing and snowshoeing are all sports that families can enjoy together and pursue as lifelong hobbies. If your children are young, how do you know if they are ready to begin a snow sport? To help parents make that decision, the following tips were collected from snow sports program managers at Smugglers' Notch Resort,...