Mummy Madness
I got married and had two children all in 3 years. My son, also my first child, was born with a health condition that required surgery and we spent our first 6 weeks of parenthood in a NICU at a children’s hospital. It was the most difficult time of my life. Even after he came home I struggled with anxiety, depression, fear and anger. I turned to writing and my words slowly allowed me to crawl out of the hole I had dug myself into. I was forever changed. I began to realize that I had the ability to help others who were struggling with their journey in parenthood. As parents, we all have moments where we aren't sure what we are doing. I continue to write and share my experiences in hopes that I can help part the clouds for someone who is struggling.
Germy Kid Season
It has been my biggest fear. Since the moment I had children. The dreaded illness. Specifically, stomach bugs. The thought of dealing with sick kids while I was sick myself terrified me. Even though I am perfectly aware that children carry all sorts of germs. I am so fully aware that I am a bit of a germaphobe. The mere thought scared me. Well…it happened. All four of us. One week. Sick…sick and sick some more. It wasn’t pretty,...
Homemade Baby Food Made Easy
Making homemade baby food is something wonderful you can do for your kids. It allows you to know exactly what goes into every meal and more importantly, what doesn’t. Even if a jar says “preservative-free” or “all natural,” that still means the once healthy whole fruits and veggies have been super-heated and processed beyond recognition, removing tons of nutritional value and flavor. If it was simply a nutritional benefit to make baby...
Single Parenting
I've been very fortunate that since day one my hubby has been extremely helpful and supportive. Even prior to the birth of our girls when I was put on bed rest he stepped up to meet the challenge. I'm not trying to boast, but the point of this blog is to demonstrate the fact that I've seldom had to parent twins on my own. My husband's job requires him to travel at times. From the start of my last trimester up until when the girls were...
Sunkist® Grapefruit Panzanella Salad
This is an excellent salad to serve as a starter or alongside grilled steak or roasted chicken. Makes 6 to 8 servings Toasted Bread 4 cups 1-inch-cubed rustic French or Italian-style bread 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons minced fresh garlic 3 tablespoons grated high-quality parmesan cheese Salad and Dressing 1 Sunkist® grapefruit 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1/3 cup...
Sunkist® Mason Jar Lemon Pies with Meringue Clouds
Old-fashioned lemon meringue pie goes modern in this adorable presentation. This recipe uses egg yolks in the filling and the whites for the meringue. Be very careful when separating the eggs; to whip up fluffy, the whites must not contain any bits of yolk. Makes 6 servings 1 purchased raw pie-crust dough 6 half-pint wide-mouth mason jars Filling 1/2 cup freshly squeezed Sunkist® lemon juice 1 1/2 cups water 2...
The Munch Mitt
The Munch Mitt is perfect for early teethers (3-8 months) who can’t grip a typical teether. It is designed so it can be worn on either the left or right hand depending on which baby favours, keeping the other hand free to help guide the Munch Mitt into the mouth. It is easy for baby to use independently and won’t fall on the ground, like so many other teethers. The bright colours and a stimulating black and white pattern are pleasing...
5 Tricks to Save Up for the New Baby
Having a baby entails its own special economics. It needs an entirely new kind of financial responsibility that requires planning way ahead before giving birth. Aside from crunching big numbers involving hospital bills, medical expenses, and even school tuition fees, however, there are small but smart ways you can save up for your new baby. Come up with a practical baby gift registry. New babies need a lot of things, and a baby registry is...
Surviving the Final Days of Winter
Spring is coming. I can feel it. Though I look outside and all I see are mounds of snow, the sun that shines through my back windows all day long tells me that spring is on its way. Though it’s just around the corner, we do still have a few more weeks of cold, snowy winter left. If you’re not careful, it’s in these last few weeks of blustery cold dark weather that you can really start to lose it. If you’re on maternity leave, are a...
Terrible Night Terrors?
Often parents confuse night terrors for nightmares and while both can be frightful if your child is waking up a few hours after bedtime screaming and inconsolable, often not remembering these episodes in the morning, night terrors may be the culprit and can occur in children as young as 2 years of age. Night terrors are categorized as a parasomnias or confusional arousals and in the same category as sleepwalking and sleep talking, and they...
Elari Diaper Wallet
The ELARI Diaper Wallet carries everything you need for diaper changes. The Diaper Wallet can hold up to four diapers comfortably, as well as wet wipes, diaper cream, hand sanitizer, lipstick (for mom!) and tissues. You’ll be able to easily fit all of the essentials you need to change a diaper in one convenient and easy carry-all zippered wallet. The Diaper Wallet comes with a convenient wristlet strap, making you completely hands-free when...
5 Ways to Inspire Kids To Love Reading
Let’s face it, reading affects every area of our lives. If kids struggle with reading, it is highly likely they will struggle in other areas of their academic life too. Parents can influence kids to form better reading habits and help them become better readers. Check out these five tips to inspire your kids to love reading: Read with your kids- Parent involvement is the number one predictor of early childhood reading success and...
Teaching Kids the Attitude of Gratitude
Raising grateful children is not as simple as having them memorize the alphabet. Sure, they can learn it by rote, but genuine appreciation is an ongoing process up until they reach adulthood. Toddlers are expected to be self-centered, but teaching them the value of appreciation at a very young age will keep them from becoming spoiled, entitled people somewhere down the line. Don’t equate special occasions with gifts Momentous...