Single Parenting
I’ve been very fortunate that since day one my hubby has been extremely helpful and supportive.
Even prior to the birth of our girls when I was put on bed rest he stepped up to meet the challenge.
I’m not trying to boast, but the point of this blog is to demonstrate the fact that I’ve seldom had to parent twins on my own.
My husband’s job requires him to travel at times. From the start of my last trimester up until when the girls were over a year old he put in a request at work to limit travel to local areas.
Now that the girls are a bit older he’s back into the international travel mix once again.
Work recently sent him out of country for a week and between his busy schedule and the time change it made it extremely difficult.
I can by no means call myself a single parent. As I aforementioned I’ve had a lot of support and help over the past two years. But I will admit that this recent trip gave me a taste of what single parents go through on a daily basis.
I’ll admit, by the end of the seven days I was dragging my butt. Between meal prepping, morning and bedtime routines, dropping and picking the girls up from daycare while working full time…I was exhausted! My parents came by to help a few of the nights but I was still wiped!
We always have to be a step ahead as parents, but when you’re going it alone you have to be (what feels like) a mile ahead. There’s no one to help you with meals, to assist in the cleaning, to tag team when you have to run to the bathroom or to juggle when it’s time to put on snowsuits.
The girls were constantly asking for “Daddy” and in the back of my mind so was I.
I missed him for personal reasons, but I was also counting down the hours until we could divide and conquer as we usually do.
I know that we adapt to our ever-changing roles once we have kids, but having to do so without an extra set of hands is challenging and deserves to be recognized. So to those single parents out there raising one, two or a dozen children, I salute you!