Surviving the Final Days of Winter

Spring is coming. I can feel it. Though I look outside and all I see are mounds of snow, the sun that shines through my back windows all day long tells me that spring is on its way.

Though it’s just around the corner, we do still have a few more weeks of cold, snowy winter left. If you’re not careful, it’s in these last few weeks of blustery cold dark weather that you can really start to lose it. If you’re on maternity leave, are a stay at home mum or perhaps a work at home parent, this time of year can be incredibly difficult.

There are some very easy ways that you can survive these last few weeks of the great Canadian winter and lose those winter blahs.

1. Get outside: Sounds simple right? It’s not. Forcing yourself outdoors on a cold and snowy day when you don’t have to go out is very difficult. Do it anyways. Bundle up, wear layers, invest in good winter gear (it’s all on sale now!) and get out there. Go for a walk, take the kids tobogganing or ice skating or experiment with a winter sport that you’ve never tried before, maybe snowshoeing. This time of year is the perfect time to try out some of those winter sports you’ve admired from afar, the sun is out in full force which not only warms up the air, it also warms up the spirit. Trust me, you will feel better.

2. Join a group: Maybe it’s a playgroup, a mom circle or even a book club when the kids go to bed. The point is you need to find a reason to get out of the house for something other than shopping or running errands. You need to interact with other people, have discussions, enjoy yourself a little too. Social interaction is equally important for parent and child so look for reasons to go out and socialize!

3. Change up your routine: Ok there are going to be times where you just can’t leave the house. Thanks to epic snowstorms there are safety reasons involved here people. Maybe colds are circling the house or you just have a cranky pants on your hands. I get it, sometimes you have to stay home. If that’s the case, change up your routine. Make breakfast for dinner, put some plastic table cloths down and bring out a baby tub filled with water and some different sized Tupperware for water play, blow bubbles in the house, build a crazy fort. Do something different. After a couple of days inside doing the same thing all day long you will start to go a little stir crazy. Find things that are out of the ordinary for you and do them. The kids will have a blast and you will probably find yourself feeling a little more upbeat.

4. Get cooking: Food can always change your mood. Find some of your favourite summertime recipes and whip up some sun in the kitchen. Strawberries might cost a pretty penny right now but when your enjoying a nice slice of strawberry shortcake you won’t mind so much. Get the kids involved. Let them stir, whip and chop. They will have fun and feel so proud of themselves for making dinner. Shedding some of your winter blues can be as easy as serving summer berry salad with grilled steak and margaritas.

5. Get outside: I said it once and I’ll say it again, get outside. Nothing can replace fresh air. You need it. Your kids need it. Brave the cold and the snow and aim to spend a little time outside every single day. I promise it will lift your spirits.

We are in the home stretch guys! Before we know it the birds will be chirping, the snow will be melting and we will be able to walk outside without a million extra layers. I can feel the sun on my back as I say it. Winter doesn’t have to be this depressing, dismal time. It is what you make it. Get out there, change it up a little, have some fun and maybe…just maybe…you’ll welcome next winter with open arms.

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