Happy Thanksgiving!
As we all know this weekend is the Thanksgiving long weekend. As it gets closer I sit and think about how much I have to be grateful and thankful for. Here is what I will be giving thanks for this Monday and every day after that. (These are not in any particular order)
1. My family – I have such a wonderful husband who I don’t think I show my appreciation enough to. My daughter, who is beautiful, smart and the joy of my life. I also have a huge support system in my parents, brothers and in laws. It’s amazing how we take for granted what we have right in front of us. I thank them all for everything they have done for me.
2. My job – I am very fortunate to have a job I enjoy and coworkers who are also like family to me. I spend more time with them than anyone else, so it is so important to me to actually like going to work.
3. My friends – Even though I don’t get to see them as often now that we all have families, they are always there for me when I need them. I know that they are always just a phone call away whenever I need that shoulder to cry on or ear to bend.
4. My pregnancy – As much as I may complain about the discomforts I have, I am SO HAPPY to be pregnant. We tried for months before I got pregnant and I was starting to worry I may not be able to get pregnant due to a minor surgery I had after my Princess was born.
5. My home – I have a beautiful home that shelters my family and keeps them safe.
6. Being able to feed, clothe and support my family. I feel very fortunate that I can give my children all the things they need. I may not be able to afford to buy them all the toys and extras they want but I know that they will have all the necessities they need to grow and be healthy. It is important to me that my children know that we are fortunate to have what we do and I am trying to teach the importance of charity and to giving to those less fortunate. We donate clothing as we outgrow them, donate to causes that mean a lot to us and donate food to the food banks. Every little bit helps so we do what we can, when we can.
What are you thankful for?
Beth Southworth