Where did an entire year go?
I can’t believe T turned one over the holidays! Where did the year go? It’s utterly depressing. It honestly felt like I blinked and it was gone. We had his doctor check up and he’s 20 pounds and 29 inches tall, far different than the tiny little girl I took to her appointment at her first birthday! M was 17 pounds and 26(ish) inches tall, so petite!
Of course I threw him a killer first bday party… Mickey and Baseball themed! Served ball park food and held his cake smash session in front of all our family and friends. Had a popcorn bar with different seasonings and nachos with salsa and guac too! I think T had a blast, or so I noticed, since he passed out with a half hour to spare! Well, it could have been all the cake he ate too! He’s the only baby I’ve ever seen eat virtually his entire smash cake as he went along. It was hilarious!
Hubby had the stomach bug that was going around so he was out for the count and not at the party. I was exhausted by the time it was over, and just hoped that everyone had a good time and enough to eat! I made Mickey Mouse cupcakes with T’s godmother as part of the desert table, and honestly didn’t even get a chance to sit down and have one! I heard they were awesome though! Thank you Pinterest! LOL! I also made baseball and Mickey themed photo props for t make shift photo booth and swaged pictures I took of him each month as part of the backdrop.
I go back to work in just over two weeks which will be a shock to all of our systems, but a good one none the less. Then I get to start the planning all over again for M’s fifth which is coming up in a few short months! This time for her I think I’ll do a movie or bowling party with some friends and then do an open house for family the following day. Less is more once they’re in school, I think!
I still can’t believe the year home with T is over; I’m going to miss being with him all day. He’s a bit of a Momma’s boy, so it makes it even more fun and harder to leave! It is such a busy time for us right now! But, I wanted to say that I hope everyone had an awesome holiday season and wish you all the best in 2014! Cheers!