My Little Girl Starts School This Year
So this month my baby girl turns 4 years old. It is bittersweet. I am excited for the new journey she is going to embark on this year. In September she will be starting junior kindergarten. She will be in school 5 days a week for 2.5hrs. She is already excited for her first day of school and often asks when she can start. I on the other hand, am nervous for her as I am excited. Will she make new friends, will she remember her manners, and will she listen to her teachers? She has never been to daycare and preschool, so this will be a new experience for her. She has been to gymnastics, swimming lessons and ballet and I hope that these activities will give her the basics she will need to get through the first weeks of school.
I have a few other plans to get her prepared. We have bought some activity books and have started practicing her printing and writing numbers. She already knows how to write her first name and I am trying to teach her how to spell her surname now. Now that the weather is warming up, we will start taking walks along the route we will take to school. I feel these steps will make her feel comfortable being “on her own”.
I would love to hear your suggestions of what you have done or what you will do prepare your child for their first day of school.
Vicki McKinnon
Nancy T
Shawna L.
Amanda MacGregor
Brienne Burnside
Jodie H
Adriana Fitzgerald
Jessica Gilbert
- Maria Ciliberto
- Zee Maid