Mommy vs the “Choo-choo” …the never ending battle

Right from the NICU, “M” used a soother (aka – Choo-Choo) to soothe herself. Well, also in the NICU she had to be taught how to suck because she was born so early. At that time, I would do anything for her to be able to feed from the bottle, just so we could go home! 5 ½ weeks was waaaay past my breaking point.

Now that she’s 2 ½ (where has the time gone?) I can’t get rid of the stupid thing! She doesn’t use it during naps at pre-school actually… at all there or even during the day, just at bedtime. We try to keep it that way, but there’s one that snuck its way back into the car because she likes to “cat-nap” on occasion.

Now, enough is enough. I’ve bought books, gave her stories about how all the other babies need them and maybe she should donate them, everything short of cutting them up. I’ve even threatened to throw them in the garbage. I’m at the end of my rope with this. She wants to be a big girl and I explain to her that only the little babies use a soother but without fail she’ll scream her heart out until she gets it. We try to stand our ground but sometimes enough is just enough.

I’ll take any tips and tricks that would work! The Choo-choo and I are officially not on speaking terms with each other and I really think my time will come by death by choo-choo.

  • Angela

    my neighbour told her girls there is a “soother” fairy.  When they gave up the soother they got a present from the fairy.  It worked really well with the oldest.  They’re now working on the second daughter.

    • Baby Bottom Line

      Thanks! I may have to try it!! I’m not ashamed to bribe…lol

  • Michelle

    My daughter who is now 4, loved the choo choo as well and like Angela the choo choo came and left her some gifts in return. My daughter made a gift box for the choo choo decorated and all, we placed it in the mailbox later in the later the day the fairy took the choo choo and left some gifts, never asked for it again.

    • Baby Bottom Line

      SOLD! We have a winner…lol… gotta start the plan in motion! Thanks so much!

  • Michelle

    My daughter who is now 4, loved the choo choo as well and like Angela the choo choo came and left her some gifts in return. My daughter made a gift box for the choo choo decorated and all, we placed it in the mailbox later in the later the day the fairy took the choo choo and left some gifts, never asked for it again.

  • MadisonRobyn

    My 3rd daughter was slightly attached to her Soother, and I was afraid to take it away, bacause she would cry if she didn’t have it at night. Someone suggested that I give her the oppertunity to decide she wanted to be a big girl and throw them away. So on a friday evening I grabbed a garbage bag, and we made a game of letting her find ALL the soothers and let her throw them in the garbage. I figured I’d do it on a friday so my husband would be home to help out with some tough nights. That night when I put her to bed, she asked for her soother, and I simply reminded her that she said she was ready to be a big girl and SHE had trown them away. She looked at me and thought about it, and then simply said “oh ya”, rolled over and off to sleep she went. It never ever came up again.

    I had underestimated her, I had taken the garbage bag and tied it up with just soothers in it, thinking that there might be a point when She or I would cave… but nothing… it was done just like that.

    My son is 15 months now, and I’m not worried at all about doing it again.

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