Healthy kids, healthy planet

We hear a lot these days about the prevalence of obesity and ill health in children all the time, and it’s starting to happen to younger children every year. We also hear a lot about the environmental ill health of our planet. I believe that the solution to both might just start with eating healthy and sustainably, reducing our use of household chemicals, rethinking our North American style of consumption and trying to keep as active as we can. With a little extra effort, I believe most us can stick with this, most of the time. And if we do, who knows, we might just change the world (idealistic, right?)

In this blog, I’ll try to share the typical challenges sticking to this lifestyle can sometimes present, plus easy, low cost and no-fuss ways to enjoy living (I loathe this term) “greener.”

For our part, it’s the simple things. We use our bikes (with a trailer for Owen and any small cargo) to get around the city. We use car-sharing instead of owning a car. We watch our energy consumption closely, and don’t waste much water. We don’t buy things that come in a lot of plastic, and almost all of our clothes, furniture and toys are second-hand (thank you “vintage” for still being cool). We are super vigilant about chemical-free cleaning in the home, and chemical-free personal care products. This one change can drastically reduce toxic elements being absorbed by our bodies and making their way into our environment. And especially, we choose foods that are actually good for us and not harmful to the environment or our health. Organic and sustainable, or at least not heavily processed and over packaged. Ideally, they are usually grown and produced close to where we live. We think these solutions are achievable for everyone, so much so that we have opened up our little store to help our immediate community have access to these things at the most basic, local level.

Look, we also like to have a great time, and I’m pretty sure the beer, wine and spirits we like to pair with our sustainable dinners constitute not living perfectly healthy. We are also tired, hardworking parents who need to grab take-out, and take easy shortcuts a lot, but we definitely do what we can!

I am so excited to blog on Oh Baby! Magazine about this and hope you will enjoy reading my blog from time to time! Thanks!

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