For the love of long weekends

Hi my name is Lisa and I am a Long-weekend-a-holic. I will take them any time I can get my hands on them, make my own when I see fit and enjoy the heck outta em’! I’m addicted and think I may actually need to start a 12 step program to bring me back to reality after a really enjoyable one.

I love spending as much time with the fam as possible, so being able to take an extra day to enjoy the beautiful weather, do a day trip, or take “M” somewhere new ends up being a perfect weekend. The hard part is getting back in the swing of things the week following a long weekend! Ughh!  This past one started with fun, sun and a pumpkin farm and ended with some kind of tummy bug in the little one (yuck!).

There’s so much to be thankful for family, friends, health and just think… Christmas is right around the corner! (wow already? really?) . How do I know this? Because the dollar store already has Christmas decorations up right beside the Halloween ones! LOL. I never actually understood that. Marketing? Overstock? Just plain craziness? Hmm… maybe.

So long to all the long weekends of the year. It’s sad but true, BUT  I have a milestone birthday coming up so I booked a day off to treat myself to a day alone full of shopping (probably won’t end up being for myself but what else is new lol) maybe a facial and a mani and a pedi… amen for make-shift long weekends!  I’ll be sure to fully enjoy this one. I can’t wait! I totally need it!

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