Baby Shower Games
You’re pregnant and hopefully somebody else is planning your baby shower, but who’s to say that you can’t help them out by giving your loved ones suggestions on how to make it fun? Here are three of Oh Baby! Magazine’s favourite baby shower games:
What’s in your purse?
We like this because it’s fun and not baby related, so everyone will enjoy playing. You’d be surprised at what women carry around with them. Create a list of about 10-20 random items that someone may or may not have in her purse. Read out the list and the guest who can prove to have the most items in her purse wins a prize! Examples for your list are: condoms, nail scissors, picture of their parents, hairbrush, nail polish, grocery list, etc.
What does my baby need?
Give your guests a pen and paper and give them five minutes to write a list of things that you will need for your baby. The guest who has the most items wins! Plus, it might help you remember something you’ve forgotten to get.
Do you have “Mommy Brain”?
Set up a tray or a big basket of brand new baby items (diaper cream, pacifier, bottle, bib, diaper, etc). Have a friend or family member walk around the room and allow your guests to inspect the items for about 10-20 seconds each. Tell your guests that they have to pay attention to what they see. After the special guest makes the rounds with the baby items have her leave the room. Now you will ask your guests to write down what the lady who was carrying the tray was wearing – not what was on the tray or basket! Make sure to ask her to wear extra items like a hair clip, necklace or brooch, etc. The person who guesses the most items wins! The best part about this game is that the mom-to-be gets to keep the baby items!
TIP: Ask for everyone to bring a package of diapers in different sizes or register for them – you’ll need them!
Not a fan of nic nacs and clutter? Instead of giving away prizes, give each winner a gift card to a popular coffee shop. It’ll be cheaper, and the winner will likely appreciate it more.
People love to win and to make fools of themselves at parties, so grab a cupcake, sit back and enjoy. After all, you are the guest of honour!