Back To School Season Has Arrived!
It’s that time of year again! Millions of moms are doing a happy dance because next week brings the first week of school. Then there are the ones who are sending their children off for the first time and don’t really know how to feel. I am among those mothers. On one hand I am so excited to get a little break and be able to spend some uninterrupted time with my eight month old. Maybe I’ll actually be able to take him to some mommy and me programs that I couldn’t before because they usually don’t want older siblings to attend. On the other hand my baby girl is growing up.
It is so hard to believe how fast the time has gone. I have a four year old! I swear it was just yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. How did I get to be the mom of two wonderful children? When did my baby girl become my big girl?
She is so excited to be starting school. She went to a program in the summer called EvenStart which is for children who have never been to daycare or preschool. It is similar to what kindergarten is all about and it was great! She made some new friends and even has a “boyfriend”. Yes it has already started. She is “in love” with this boy and asks to see him every day. The only disappointing thing is that all the friends she made will be attending different schools so she will be starting fresh again at her new school.
I have been working hard to prepare her for school. She knows how to count pretty high and recognizes numbers; she knows her alphabet and has begun to learn how to spell. She can spell her first name and we are still working on her last name but she is close. I have recently found out that they should know their phone number going into kindergarten. I admit I have been nervous teaching her this because she will basically tell you anything you want (and don’t want) to hear, but we have started going over that with her too. I guess it’s a good safety measure too if she gets lost but I have never really worried about that since I discovered SafetyTats.
The school my daughter will be attending is a uniform school. We went two weeks ago to purchase the items she will need and nearly had a heart attack at what it cost but then I really thought about it. The uniform should last her at least until grade one (unless she has a freakishly huge growth spurt). I know I would spend the exact amount on new clothes for her (if not more) over the year anyway. The best thing is the choices are limited for her now. She can choose pants, skorts or tunic. I’ll never have to worry about the mismatching she always chooses to go with and even hubby will be able to dress her without any issues. So yay to uniforms!
Next Wednesday we get to meet her teacher and find out what the school year will entail. The following week she will have one day where she gets to go with a few other students to get used to the classroom and start making new friends. The 17th will be her first official first day of school. She isn’t too thrilled that she has to wait so long while her friends and cousin are starting next Tuesday but the staggered entry is important for them and the teachers. So it is with mixed emotions I send my oldest off to school. I will shed a few tears as she starts her first official day but then I think I may also do a happy dance because I know I have done my best to prepare her for this day and she will be just fine.