Thanksgiving is for giving thanks
I’ve been prepping M for this year’s thanksgiving festivities. Explaining the meaning of the holiday and why it is so important is just half the battle as she thinks it’s all about turkey and apple pie. I like the fact that her preschool is doing activities to support the cause, but I think she actually understood our whole conversation (which lasted about 20 min by the way).
After our “talk” I asked her what she is thankful for this year. She said, “The dog, the cat…. Daddy…Mommy… my grandparents… and baby T.” I said, “You’re thankful for baby T? He’s not even here yet.” She replied with a, “Yeah, Mom…he’s gonna make me a big sister…. The best-est big sister ever!”.
Wow! She understands and she truly appreciates the most important things in life. I think I’m truly proud of a 3 ½ year old. I love hearing how she views the world and watching her grow, learn and love. It’s what makes me love being a Mom and makes me thankful for having her in my life. Now I get to start it all over again with T as we start a new chapter in this crazy whirlwind of trying to be ready (which you never truly are), realizing the differences between children, their “isms” and quirks and preparing M all at the same time. Well, that’s what I’m thankful for this year.
Enjoy every second of your long weekend, eat too much, laugh too much and love too much – that’s what it’s all about. To health, wealth and happiness!