Prepping for Preschool

I started writing my blogs back when I was put on bed rest while pregnant with the girls. I remember it like it was yesterday; stepping away from my storytelling career to keep my unborn little ones safe, and at the same time needing somewhere to allow my storytelling abilities to shine.

How was that more than three-years ago? How is this the 88th blog that I’ve had published? How are my babies starting pre-school in just a couple of weeks?

Backpacks and indoor shoes, schedules and permission slips. That is going to be our reality in a very short time.

I don’t think that I’m worried about them going, I’m excited as I think this will be a wonderful experience. We love the preschool that they’ll be going to and there will be a lot of familiar faces there.

I am a little apprehensive about how they’ll transition though; Ella loves structure but has a hard time reverting to new things and Zoey is very attached to me.

I reached out to my mommy friends to find out how they were feeling about their kiddos heading to preschool or kindergarten, and if they had any advice to help settle my nerves.

Their Advice:

• Play school: in the months leading up to the first day practice things like packing backpacks, writing and counting and even school bus safety.
• Explain what to expect: explain that mommy won’t be there but there will be a lot of other kids and nice teachers.
• Adjust sleep schedules ahead of time to get into a routine.
• Shop together: let them pick out their first day of school outfit or backpack.
• Let them help: let them help pack snacks and their lunch the night before.
• Volunteer: parents volunteer to go on field trips and get as involved as you can.
• Routine: morning and bedtime routines are important. Have them lay their clothes out for the next day
• Listen: try not to plan things right after school, they’ll be excited and have a lot to say, be sure to make time to listen.
• Don’t hang around: it’s going to be hard but try not to hang around on the first day. It will only make it harder (for you the parent).

The last one will be the hardest for me. I know I’m going to want to stick around and be a fly on the wall; watching to see if they stick together or go in opposite directions. To see if they cry or laugh. To see if they need me for one last hug. But I will try my hardest not to do any of these things, even though every part of my being will want to just run back in and scoop them up in my arms.

Good luck to all parents and kids for this upcoming school year! It’s an exciting and nerve-racking time for us all.

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