Nurturing Touch For Your Active Toddler
I teach parents about infant massage as a way to connect and take an active role in the health and well being of their baby. I have realized that parents have a hard time applying the relaxing techniques of infant massage to their active toddler. Most parents are learning infant massage for their baby as early as five weeks old.These classes are designed to massage their baby on their back or tummy and the most movement would be rolling from back to front.
Toddlers are walking and moving and need a little more to keep them interested. Massage or Nurturing Touch for toddlers can still be used to relax them, help them grow strong and provide physical comfort and bonding.
Massage can be done while your child is:
● sitting and playing with toys
● standing or being held
● laying down to sleep
● on their stomach playing
It is best to find a time in the day when your child is not as active and your treatments may be short and spread out (5-10 minutes 2-3 times a day). Incorporating hand or finger puppets with the massage is a great way to introduce nurturing touch.
**Incorporate massage stories and songs like itsy bitsy spider, this little piggy, twinkle twinkle little star with your massage strokes while you draw out the actions with your hands**
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