Moms Rock!
Mother’s Day is around the corner and all moms should be shown our appreciation. Moms are our first link to this life. They bring us into the world, love us and nurture us. Becoming a mommy is my biggest accomplishment in life. A lot of what I have learned about being a mother (besides through trial and error) I learned from mine.I love my mom and I know I don’t tell her that often enough. She is a wonderful mom and grandmother.
As a mom, I have many ups and downs. I love my kids more than life and I will do anything for them. We have our bad days where the little miss decides that she doesn’t want to listen to me or the days I can’t get baby boy to calm down but when I get that great big hug and kiss, hear the words I love you or even just when we cuddle on the couch to watch a movie, it makes it all worth it.
I have a special respect for all you single mamas. I spend a lot of days alone with my kids because hubby is doing some traveling for work and I admit I have a rough time with it. I know I take for granted all the help and support I get from hubby. Not having the much needed break every once in a while is pretty tough for me. If you have a single mom raising you give her a hug from me, I know she deserves it. If you know a single mom, offer her a day off where she can spend some time taking care of herself. She works hard raising her kids and deserves a break every once in a while.
This Mother’s Day give your mom the recognition she deserves. Send her some flowers, write her a poem or just go and give her a big hug and kiss. She’ll know you appreciate everything she has done and still does for you. I can’t wait to show mine how much I love her and how lucky I am to have her.