Cottaging Follow Up
My last blog was about cottaging with the twins plus the rest of our family with less than ideal weather conditions in the forecast. I knew that it would be a bit rainy but I didn’t predict getting stuck smack dab in the middle of a tornado! An Ef-1 touched down about 1 km from our rental cottage and left us with downed trees and no power.
After about 12 hours without power, meals cooked on the bbq and flashlights guiding our way we took a family vote to stay or go. We decided to stay. Luckily the lights came on after 24 hours and the vacation was back on!
Surprisingly enough the twins were the easy ones to entertain. New sights, sounds and everything was a new toy for them to play with, power or not.
As always, the girls had a rough first night settling in to their new surroundings but overall they did really well.
The sun finally came out after a few days and we headed down to the beach, only to discover that one of our girls hates the texture of sand and refused to touch it the entire time. Not to worry, we got her set up on a big beach blanket with some pails and shovels and she had a blast. Meanwhile our other daughter enjoyed walking with one of us along the waters edge collecting stones. Ah the joys of twins, they may look identical but they are very different little girls.
So the cottage week with the in laws was a hit despite the tornado, the loud unruly teenage neighbours and an E. coli scare at the beach.
We returned home just long enough to get some laundry done and then I packed up the girls and our dog and headed up to our family cottage.
The girls slept for the majority of the 2.5 hour drive (yay!) and although they didn’t love having to wear their lifejackets once we arrived they certainly loved the boat ride over.
The week consisted of swimming, blowing bubbles with grandma and lots of walks over to the boathouse. Between all of the activities, fresh air and not sleeping as well as they usually do, the girls were wiped and so was I. I was constantly ‘on’ and was very excited for the weekend and my husband to arrive.
Despite the exhaustion, crazy weather and other obstacles aforementioned, cottaging with twins is totally worth it. It’s a tradition that I grew up with and I love that I can now share it with my own little family.
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