Advantage #1 – Kids at School

One of the first great advantages of having all of my kids at school occurred during this last week: Skating.

The tiny country of Holland froze completely, every water way, canal, pond, creek, lake – totally and completely frozen, which meant – skating, skating and more skating. And when I say skating – I mean on those long skates that you can speed with. There is more water than road here so hundreds of kilometers of skate-able ice. Bliss. I love to skate.

I brought the kids to school – then put on my skates and skated. No babysitter. No pre-organization. No packing bags for everyone. No looking for extra mittens. No snacks. Nothing.  Just me. And a tiny bit of guilt.

Luckily, the guilt went away after minutes on the ice. I chose to skate on my own for a couple of days (not literally days, I skated for a couple of hours on a couple of days…) I went left if I wanted to go left, skated at my own pace, enjoyed the silence and beauty around me.

Now if that’s not an advantage…

  • Sunshyne_Mary

    Wow…good for you. I need to take advantage of that precious time too!

    • LiannesGuide

      The ice had such a pull that I was able to shelf the guilt and enjoy! 

  • Bernice

    sounds like you had a fun time and i like the pictures

  • Anonymous

    love the pictures!

    • LiannesGuide

      thanks! was truly spectacular to see everything everywhere frozen…

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