“Just one more story Mommy!”
That’s what my daughter says every night at bedtime. I love that both of my kids love books. Really, I love it. Since they were born I’ve been giving them books to hold, to drool on, to play with, to read. My son’s first word was ‘book’. My daughter’s first word was ‘shoes’. Anyway – they both love books.
Every night we (my husband and I take turns) snuggle up with both kids in my daughter’s bed (it’s the bigger one for some reason) and we read them two stories. She choses one and he choses the other, we need to be fair.
After books are read, they both whine (it’s their specialty) for more. Their love of stories is insatiable. We go through the same thing every night.
“It’s getting late. It’s a school night, you need to go to sleep.”
Lights out. Then my daughter holding one finger up (not that one!!!) begs, “Please, just one more story. Just one more, please! Not a book a made up one.” Here we go again.
My husband has created this whole fairy tale saga about a plant that has magical powers and the story lines have covered everything from fire breathing dragons to little girls who don’t brush their hair. He’s so good at this and the kids love it.
I, however, am not so great at these impromptu tales. Mine are really boring. Usually recounting what we did that day, or what we plan to do the next day but changing our names. This generally works. Sometimes my daughter instructs me on how it should go. She’s a little bossy. It goes something like this:
Me: Once upon a time there was a princess named Alexandra and –
Alexandra: NO Mommy! Alexandra is my name it has to be a different name.
Me: Ok. Once upon a time there was a princess named Samantha and she was going to the park with her princess friend named –
Alexandra: NO MOMMY! Not to the park! They are going to Montreal.
Me: Ok. They were going to Montreal for the weekend and –
Alexandra: NO MOMMY! Not the weekend just for the afternoon. And there’s a bad witch!
Me: Wow Alexandra, Mommy is tired, why don’t YOU tell me this story?
She usually interrupts me a little more, but in the end she’s generally happy with my non-adventurous stories. My son usually just lies there quietly — relishing in the fact that he gets to keep his eyes open for just five more minutes.
The truth is, I’m tired by the time this story time comes around and I wish I had more creativity to really give her something good. Some nights I wish we could skip the reading altogether, but even when we’re late with bedtime, we always read at least one book or tell one story.
I’m so happy that my kids both have a love for books and for listening to stories. Reading to them and telling them stories since they were born is one of the best gifts we’ve given them.
Do you read or make up stories at bedtime? My favourite bedtime book right now is “The Smartest Giant in Town” by Julia Donaldson. Do you have a favourite children’s book?