Warm it up!

I like spending my money on the latest gizmos as much as the next mom, but certain products just never appeal to me. I find that this reflects the products that I feature in Oh Baby! Magazine and here on the website. I would say that 95% of the time the products featured have been used by me or have my seal approval as something that I think is cool or will make a mom’s life easier.

Lately I’m noticing an increase in products that will warm your wipes and products that will warm your bottles. I’m hesitant to feature them because of two things:

1)   I NEVER warmed baby wipes. When I registered for my first baby shower, I considered the wipe warmer, but my practical side kicked in. If my baby is used to being wiped with warm wipes, what happens when I’m not changing his diaper at home? I used the wipes au natural. No matter where I was my baby was always used to how it felt. In really cold months, after being outdoors, I would rub the wipe between my hands before using it on my baby’s bottom, but that was the extent of my wipe warming.

2)    After I introduced formula or cow’s milk to my babies, I rarely warmed it up. I mostly served it room temperature, unless it was really cold, then I would run the bottle under hot tap water briefly. This ensured that I could give my baby a bottle wherever we were and I never had to look for a bottle warming facility.

I could probably write a list of products that I thought were going to make my life easier, but once I had babies, they turned out to be pretty useless — at least for me. I do realize that some products that I think are useless may be another mom’s saviour. This is why I’m putting this out there. I’m genuinely curious.

Have you used warming products? If you’re pregnant with your first, will you buy or register for these types of products? I’d like to hear your opinion. Tell me about a product that you absolutely couldn’t/can’t live without. On the flip side, I’d like to hear about one that you thought you really needed but then realized you were mistaken.

I can’t wait to hear from you!

  • TCowle

    I love the diaper genie! It makes it so much better to hold away the smell of diapers and they don’t fill up my kitchen garbage!

    • Anonymous

      I’m just curious about one thing: Does your baby eat solid foods yet? 

  • Jessie

    I actually like our wipes warmer. To me it’s like when you wet your babies washcloth- you always do it under warm water! Not a necessity but nice. It hasn’t spoiled her for all the other times when I use regular wipes (even when I forget the diaper bag in the car brrr!) but I seem to have an easy going baby. My husband swears it takes the poop off easier.
    So not a “must” but if we had another child I’d use it again!

    • Anonymous

      Awesome Nance & Jessie! I’m happy to hear that this is not a ridiculous product and that people are happy with them. Maybe it’s time to feature one for new moms! :)

  • Nance

    Love our baby wipes warmer…just a part of our routine and my girls are ok with un-warmed wipes on the go. We bought originally for our first daughter who found every diaper change to be traumatic…this was one thing that DID HELP make changes easier for her. Have bought a few for gifts too and friends have loved them!

  • http://www.yourealmosttheregirl.com Esther Bartkiw

    The only warmer that works are car seat warmers–in the winter I like a warm bum!

  • lp

    I always wanted a wipe warmer, but could never justify buying one because of the cost.  Finally for my third child, they had one on sale at Costco, and I jumped on it.  I really like it as our bedroom, where the change table is, is quite cold.  He doesn’t seem to care when I change him elsewhere, so it might all be in my mind that it’s a little luxury for my little guy.

  • LiannesGuide

    Not a warmer upper mom. Keep it simple has always been my motto. If it doesn’t fit in my small bag,  it’s a no go.  Products I loved: Diaper champ was definitely up there! as well as the wrap I used to carry all of my kids around in. Could not have lived without that.  Product I thought I needed but didn’t – baby phone. House isn’t that big – could always hear the kids and at night, ear radar always on – could hear a pin drop downstairs. 

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