Have you shared your mother tongue?
If you had asked me before I had children if I was going to teach my kids how to speak Portuguese (I’m fluent) I would have given you a “Hells Yes!” If you had asked my husband if he was going to teach them to speak Greek (he’s fluent) his response would have been the same. In fact we actually had planned on teaching our children how to speak both languages.
Fast forward six years and we’re lucky if our kids know more than two words in either language. What happened? How did the time go by so quickly? Our good intentions were buried in sleepless nights and busy days. Portuguese is my first language, but I think in English and since that is the language that is shared between my husband and I, it’s been hard for us to teach our kids anything but.
My kids are three and a half and almost six. Is it too late to teach them? Do you have a similar experience? Do you have any suggestions for me? I’d love to hear your story.
Chantel – momof8crazymonkeys