To Potty Train or Not to Potty Train? That is the Question…

So we have come to that time in every toddlers life where using the potty has become the next big step… We are just trying to see if Emma is ready for Mission Poop in Potty.

She’s been showing some signs, and some interest in it, but I don’t want to start too soon and delay the process even more. So after asking round and taking the Potty Training Readiness Quiz we have decided to give it a go!

See Emma falls in-between the two categories on the quiz, but we are still going to try! She is bright and she tells us AFTER she has gone to the potty in her diaper. We are just hoping with her enthusiasm and our diligence we can say bye bye to the diaper forever! We have picked a start date, February 17th, it is the family day long weekend, and we are going to do a full frontal potty training attack! It will help having both me and hubby at home to keep an eye out for pee pee moments to rush her to the toilet!

Wish us luck!!

  • Janice Lynds

    The quiz was quite informative.

  • kelly

    according to the quiz my boy is most definitely ready! i guess its time for me to begin this process too!

  • Tara palmer

    We are still a ways from even thinking about petty training (my little guy turns one in March) But I can’t help but to get excited over the thought of NO MORE DIAPERS!!!

  • Analese

    Good luck.  We are trying to start potty training too.

  • Kvassell

    Thanks for attaching the Potty Trainig Readiness Quiz….just what I was looking for!

  • Margaret MacKenzie

    When I started my daughter potty training, I let her run about bare bottomed…sometimes messy but a lot easier than trying to get her diaper or pull-ups nowadays off in time.

  • Anonymous

    I am dreading this…my toddler is really not ready. Communication skills are still lacking.

  • Denise

    Thanks for giving us a link to a quiz.  Very helpful quiz.

  • Denise

    Thanks for giving us a link to a quiz.  Very helpful quiz.

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