Sarah Drew’s Blog for Celebrity Baby Scoop: The “Incredible” First Ultrasound

Grey’s Anatomy star Sarah Drew is inviting readers to follow along as she experiences her first pregnancy!

There’s nothing like an ultrasound to make this whole pregnancy thing feel super real. I have to say, my first ultrasound was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. My little person was in constant motion. Baby kept moving it’s arms up to it’s face. It yawned. It kicked it’s little legs out. At one point it was facing us and then squirmed around completely and stuck it’s butt out at us. It was the craziest thing! Having the visual of my little person has really solidified the fact that I am becoming a parent. Every time I feel the baby move, I can now attach the feeling with an image. I’ve found myself talking to my belly quite a lot.

I’ve also found myself thinking about dreams recently. The fall is my favorite time of year, and I think it’s because it feels like a new beginning. When I was in high school, I loved the beginning of the school year. I loved dreaming about what this coming year might bring, whom I might meet, and what exciting things might happen to me. The world was wide open. Anything could happen. Now, I feel like I’m embarking on a totally new chapter of my life. I’m settled. I’m with the love of my life. I’m living my dream in a very real way in terms of my career and passion.

Read more here.

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