Oh Mommy

Milestones from One to Three
Every child grows and develops in steps, going from one milestone to the next. Here’s a quick look at milestones for ages one, two and three. By age one, most children: Interact with their parent or...

Learning to be Lucky
“You’re lucky your kids listen to you.” As she said this to me, I had to think about what my appropriate reaction should be. It could go a couple of ways. First of all, I’m not entirely convinced that my...

Back to School Photo Tips
For most of us living in Ontario, the first day of school is the day after Labour Day. It's the day the kids (and parents) have been waiting all summer for! I'm sure your children are excited to see their teachers and...

How to #Fit30 Minutes of Activity in...
You can #Fit30 minutes of activity into your day. Think of it as fitting in 30 minutes of ME TIME. You know staying active is good for you, you know you will feel better after you do something active, and you know...

Top 10 Toys to Get the Kids Outside
Spring has sprung. I am sure of it this time. The grass is turning green, the patio furniture is calling and I am wearing flip flops! Time to get the kids outside, and keep them out there, as long as possible! The...

Stay Active This Winter Indoors and Out
Baby it’s cold outside! On days like today when the temperature is dipping below -20 with the wind chill it is smart to stay inside and keep warm, but just because it is winter, is no reason to hibernate completely!...

Turn The Status Quo into Status “Go”
In the corporate world we all know how frustrating it can be to hear an employee mutter the words “But that’s how we’ve always done it.” With any luck, however, it can be the motivator that causes at least one...

5 New Year's Resolutions You Should...
It will soon be the start of a New Year and time to get those New Year's Resolutions formulated. Some say they are a waste of time, but why not create a new you? Why not make healthy changes? Why not set some new...

How Valuable is your Time this Holiday?
The holidays are typically filled with pleasant traditions and memories, but staying organized and prepared for all the festivities can be a stressful affair. Why not give yourself some extra time and check off items...

“ME” Time For Mom
We’re moms. We are constantly being interrupted, rushed, spilled upon, emailed, texted, and volunteered. How many times have you packed a perfect suitcase for your kids but forgotten one or more of your own obvious...

All Fevers Are Not The Same
Did you know that the temperature of what defines a fever changes depending on what age you are? What is a fever? A fever is the body’s reaction to fighting infection or disease. Fevers are symptoms and often...

Q & A with Dr Jack Newman
1. I have heard that if a mother is taking medication she must interrupt breastfeeding. A: This is almost never true. The question itself implies that breastmilk and formula are basically the same and therefore even...