Holiday Drink Recipes for the Mom-to-be
Spice of the Season Mulled Wine Simmering spiced wine on the stove makes the whole house smell like Christmas. With this alcohol-removed version, you don’t have to miss out on that special aromatic memory (which may...

Gestational Diabetes
What you Need to Know About Gestational Diabete One in 20 previously non-diabetic women will develop gestational diabetes during her pregnancy. Since this condition arises in the 28th week of pregnancy, babies born...

Folic Acid
One of the strongest instincts in life is to protect your baby. But you don't have to wait until you see your baby for the first time. You can start taking care of your baby today, even before you're pregnant. An...

Find out About Folic Acid
Every mother wants a healthy baby. One way to help your child (or the baby you plan to have) is to make sure you are consuming enough folic acid. What does folic acid do? During the first weeks of pregnancy, folic...

Exercise Dos and Dont's During Pregnancy
Exercise during pregnancy can be beneficial to you and your baby but must be done with caution: remember pregnancy is not a time to train for that marathon! Here are some dos and dont's for exercising for "two" and as...

Cycling While Pregnant
Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you have to stop bicycling. Making the right decisions can make this activity a safe form of exercise that won't hurt your "extra cargo". However, it is still important to...

Benefits of Breastfeeding ...
We've all heard how beneficial breastfeeding is to both mommy and baby. Here are some interesting facts: Did you know? Breast milk has natural antibiotic qualities, and many mothers swear that a squirt in the...

Common Tests During Pregnancy
Being pregnant means lots of trips to the hospital before your little one even makes an appearance. It may seem like you are being poked and prodded a lot, but every test is important and allows your doctor to track...

Oh Baby! what a baby!
I was a little bit nervous about becoming pregnant with my second child as I thought I would never be able to love another child as much as I love my son, Nathaniel. Well, Tina (President, Mississauga location) at UC...

Healthy Weight Gain
Healthy Weight Gain No pregnant woman looks forward to gaining more weight than necessary during pregnancy, so let’s talk about the numbers right away. A woman who is at a healthy weight at the onset of pregnancy...

The Most Popular Names in 2009
Name Your Tune, the leading personalized children's music compilation and their customers have spoken: The names Aiden and Madeline for boys and girls were the most popular names chosen by parents in 2009, while Jacob...

Preparing to Push!
Exercise your pelvic floor muscles to prepare for childbirth The pelvic floor is a small group of muscles and connective tissue that run from the pubic bone to the tailbone that function to support the internal...