Oh Mommy

Mother’s DAY? Try The Year of Mom
There is so much emphasis on the second Sunday in May, it’s no wonder most of the time it ends up in disappointment and dissatisfaction. Sort of like cramming a year’s worth of love into Valentine’s Day. But...

Brady's Autism Story
Autism is puzzling; puzzling because no one can figure out what exactly is causing this disorder and puzzling because it can affect each individual so differently. That is why it can be so confusing for parents to try...

Top 10 Earth Day Canada Approved...
Earth Day is right around the corner. This year Parenting Expert, Maureen Dennis is eager to share the Top 10 Earth Day Canada Approved Sustainable Tips for Families. As a mom of four, she knows how hard it is to make...

Dealing with Unwanted Advice
Helpful strategies to deal with unwanted advice and interference: • When you’re a new parent, chances are you will welcome the support of relatives and friends. But, in some cases, there may be people in...

Sleeping Through the Night
Inevitably, that line always brings two thoughts to mind: Either those parents are REALLY lucky, or they aren’t telling the whole truth. Teaching your baby to sleep through the night is no easy task, but with a little...

Are We Raising Unhealthy Kids? How...
We hear it on the news and read about it in the newspaper, the obesity rate in kids is growing, leaving them at risk for serious health problems now and as adults. As parents, it raises a lot of concerns. How can we...

Is this child okay? Six steps for...
This is a question that every parent and child care worker asks when they notice something odd in the behaviour and functioning of a little child. How can one best ascertain if a problem or delay really exists? There...

Sniff Your Way Out of the Sniffles this...
Snowflakes, snow days, hot chocolate, skating…sniffles. All of these ‘wonderful’ things are apart of our great Canadian winters. Some of them are enjoyed more than others. I bet I’m thinking of the same ones as...

Five Reasons to Join a Moms & Tots Group
Joining a moms and tots group in your city is an excellent way to meet other moms to develop new friendships and support. Being a parent is certainly rewarding, but it can be challenging at times. Have you ever heard...

Custom Photography vs. Department Store...
We are all familiar with local department store photography studios. Perhaps we have even had our baby or family photos taken there. Very few of us have ventured out and hired a professional custom photographer,...

When can I introduce Eggs to my baby?
When can I introduce Eggs to my baby? Most pediatric resources agree that egg yolks are fine for baby to eat when baby is around eight months old. Please keep in mind that the egg whites should not be fed to baby...

A Smart Auto-Motive
I attended the 2012 North American International Auto Show in Detroit recently, and was pretty impressed with the range of eco-friendly cars that were being unveiled – from the tiny “smart” cars to the hybrids,...