Top 10 Earth Day Canada Approved Sustainable Tips for Families
Earth Day is right around the corner. This year Parenting Expert, Maureen Dennis is eager to share the Top 10 Earth Day Canada Approved Sustainable Tips for Families. As a mom of four, she knows how hard it is to make green choices on a daily basis because, let’s face it, changing up routines or making sacrifices doesn’t always come easy to busy families.
We are thrilled Earth Day Canada is standing behind these tips and giving them their coveted seal of approval.
1. The Daily Commute Alternative – Reduce the use of your car– take public transit, walk, bike or carpool. For the young ones, start a “walking school bus” with other kids in your area for getting to and from school.
2. Friendly Fridge – Make your fridge more efficient by filling empty space with reusable water bottles. You can even use personalized water bottles to make it more fun for the kids to help you fill them at the end of each day and stock the fridge.
3. Local, Local, Local – Support your local farmers’ market or plant your own garden. There are some easy vegetables that those with ‘brown’ thumbs can even make come to life. And kids LOVE gardening and eating the fruits (or vegetables) of their labour.
4. Kinder Paper Products – Use paper and tissue products that are 100% recycled. Save the rolls for afterwards for a family art project. Roles make fabulous shakers and musical instruments or even turn them into little creatures like caterpillars. Visit Kruger Products for details on 100% recycled tissue products that are just as soft and don’t cost any more!
5. Cleaning Alternatives – Choose natural, non-toxic cleaning products like vinegar, baking soda and water. Use baking soda to clean the kids’ toys. For little ones, you’ll feel comfortable knowing there is nothing toxic on their hands when their fingers go right back in their mouths after they help clean the toys.
6. Veggie Day – Cut back on the meat in your diet by eating vegetarian a day or two each week. Meatless Mondays is a great way to start the week and to help you menu plan there are great resources online that show you how to make menu boards and reuse recipes.
7. Shorter Showers – Reduce your shower time to five minutes and set a timer to make sure you do it. Use a single tub of bathwater for the young kiddies. It uses less water and is way more fun for the kids. Make sure to take pics!
8. Home Projects – Caulk and weather-strip doors and windows. Make it a family project!
9. Light-up – Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.
10. The Power Bar Surge – Use a power bar to completely shut off home electronic equipment. There are some funkier and trendier designs now available; let the kids choose which one they want for their rooms.
Which tips will you commit to this month? Submit your green action at for a chance to win a $10,000 Rainforest Alliance certified trip to Costa Rica!