A bicycle built for six
I had four kids in four years. No twins. No joke. Why does someone have four kids in four years? I hadn’t really even planned on having one. Then one day, in my 30’s, my body had a different idea and there I was,...
To Potty Train or Not to Potty Train?...
So we have come to that time in every toddlers life where using the potty has become the next big step… We are just trying to see if Emma is ready for Mission Poop in Potty. She’s been showing some signs, and...

Kitty Love Hooded Towel and Mitt Set
Make bath or pool time extra fun and cozy with this Kitty Love Hooded Towel and Mitt set. Each piece is personalized for your little guy or gal with any name embroidered in the font style as shown. Super absorbent...
Teaching Our Children About Love
Every February, supermarkets and stores nationwide adorn their aisles with heart-shaped trinkets, red and pink ribbons and lots of chocolates. And each year, around that time, we are reminded how important it is to...
It's official: A big bed for a big girl!
For months I’ve been trying to talk “M” into moving into a big girl bed. She’ll be 3 in a few month so it’s about that time! She never climbed out of it so we weren’t forced to switch her over prematurely....

Custom Photography vs. Department Store...
We are all familiar with local department store photography studios. Perhaps we have even had our baby or family photos taken there. Very few of us have ventured out and hired a professional custom photographer,...

When can I introduce Eggs to my baby?
When can I introduce Eggs to my baby? Most pediatric resources agree that egg yolks are fine for baby to eat when baby is around eight months old. Please keep in mind that the egg whites should not be fed to baby...
Celeb Mommies Share Their Favorite...
Most parents look forward to that special bedtime story with their little ones. It's a time when moms and dads devote their full attention to their kids and the day to day distractions are put on the backburner....
Broken Record
Emma has been jibber-jabbing something all afternoon. It was the same thing over and over. "Cest Belle, my Belle, oui, I love Juice. Something, something, something." She is singing it. It's cute but it is getting...
Q & A: My five week old won't sleep...
Hi, I have a five week old baby and I don't know how to get him to sleep through the night. I breast feed him but I would like to try to introduce the bottle so that my husband can give it to him at least once at night...
A bun in the oven AND a pain in your...
Expecting a baby can be an exciting time, but it can also be full of new aches and pains for the mommy to be! Back pain is one of the most common side effects of pregnancy, and up to 80% of pregnant women complain of...
The V Word - I'm Pro Choice
Recently I was engaged in a conversation on twitter about birth control. It seems that I may be the minority here in thinking that it’s completely my husband’s choice to do this. The words “it’s his turn”...