Oh Mommy

Do Breast Implants Affect Breastfeeding?
Whether you are considering breast implants, already have them, or are wondering when the right time to have breast augmentation is - chances are if you have a desire to breast feed, new studies show that it may be best...

Twits the Season
Let’s face it, if you’re a Mom with a newborn you may as well give in and embrace the world of Twitter, and chat online at 2am instead of watching those infomercials. If you haven’t entered the world of Twitter...

Get The Holiday Photos You’ve Always...
With the Holidays coming up, we’ve definitely got a lot on our plates. We’re dreaming of the picture perfect holidays, food, decorations, parties and gifts. When it comes to the pictures, though, they just aren’t...

Big Fat Lies Moms Believe
I don’t know about you, but when I became a mom I also became more self-critical. It was as if when I gave birth to my daughter, I also gave birth to a new clan of Inner Critics whose mission was to create a swirl of...

“On-the-Go” Tips for Parents &...
With the holidays quickly approaching, here are some tips for shopping with your wee ones: Keep to a schedule. Make it easier on everyone by running errands or scheduling appointments in between your child’s meals...

Smells Like Teens Dispirited
I recently engaged in a debate online with other parents about whether they thought the Teen Years or the Toddler Years were harder to survive. Depending on the age of your children, opinions vary, although I think that...

A new mom's secret: I'm jealous of my...
Lauren (not her real name) was blissfully pregnant with her first child, enjoying her growing bump and attention from well wishers. But right after her daughter Emma was born, Lauren began to feel an overwhelming sense...

The Real Truth about that darn Mummy...
Moms of all shapes, sizes and nationalities can relate to the loving term, “mummy tummy”. You know what I mean - the pooch, pouch, bump, whatever you want to call it, that never seems to go away no matter how many...

A Parental Support System in the...
“Happy Parents. Happy Children. Happy Life.” It’s a new Lunch & Learn session introduced into corporate workplaces by Toronto TV personality and parenting expert, Nanny Robina. She is well-known for her...

Parenting: The Ultimate Work Out
The holiday season is mere weeks away and our ambitions to fit into that cute sleeveless Little Black Dress gain strength. But who has time or energy to work out? Good news Moms: Turns out you already are. As a public...

I love my mommy!
It dawned on me on the first birthday I celebrated after my baby was born that I should totally give my mom a present on my birthday. I have always appreciated and loved my mother very much. She didn't have the...

His + Yours = Ours, Or Does It?
Blended families, step families, mixed families, whatever you want to call them, can be joyous or difficult. Just take a look around at some of what you read on the internet. You have those families that turn out to...