Mitigating the Mommy 'Spread'

With a few Christmas gift certificates burning a hole in my sweatpants, I ran out to the mall last week to find myself a new Stacy and Clinton-worthy wardrobe. This was me making good on my New Year's resolution: to...

The day the music died…

Ok, the day I bought a minivan. The day I bought a minivan a little bit of me died. It may sound silly to some of you, but I am a city girl. I was born and raised in Toronto, and I don’t really like driving. I walk...


Q: My two year old has been hitting, pushing and scratching the other kids at her daycare. The other night while I was putting her coat on, she was smiling at another girl in her group, she went up to her and I thought...

boys names 250

The Name Game

What do "Appletree," "Seaborn," and "Fohla" have in common? Brace yourselves, readers. They are all given names with which full-grown adults have saddled their sweet innocent babes. Oh yes, my friends. It turns out...

Let's Start with the Basics

Hi there, this is my first official post so I thought I start by covering the basics and then we can move on to the fun stuff! My name is Sara Bingham and I am the proud founder of WeeHands! Currently, we have 80+...

Do it all Daddy

“Oh bloody hell” was my first thought when I had no option but to blog on my own site. Not another thing I don’t have time for. After thinking about it I realized that maybe this could be the only opportunity I...

Sandy's Blah, Blah, Blog

So, I wanted to start my own blog. Why? Well, I really enjoy reading blogs – especially mommy blogs. And every time I read one, usually, I can relate. So I figured, why can’t I write one? I’m the editor of a baby...

Jennifer Kolari

My name is Jennifer Kolari and I am really looking forward to answering questions and sharing my method of Connected Parenting with all of you. I am a family therapist with a practice in Toronto and San Diego, and a...

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