

Why babies have tantrums and what you can do about it A baby tantrum is an abrupt and sudden loss of emotional control. Various factors bring tantrums on, and if you can identify the trigger, then you can help him...


Sun Safety

It's great when your baby is old enough to go out to play. However, when we are out having fun it is easy to forget that the sun can cause harm to you and your family. It is a good idea to get into the practice of...


Spanking: It hurts more than you think

The problem with spanking Spanking is hitting. Spanking is meant to cause pain to control a child's behaviour. When you're stressed and angry, spanking may seem like a quick way to stop misbehaviour - but it doesn't...


Sleepless Nights

If your baby is waking up every hour or two to breastfeed, bottle-feed or locate his pacifier, you may be wondering just what it is that causes him to wake up so often. The reality is that brief nighttime awakenings ...


Solving Naptime Problems

Naps are important for your child's health and growth. A nap refreshes a child so that she can maintain her energy for the rest of the day. Studies show that children who nap are more adaptable, have longer attention...


Simple Tips for Weaning

Try to avoid beginning the weaning process during an illness or developmental milestone or when your baby's schedule is disrupted. Eliminate one nursing session every two or three days to allow your milk supply...


Show me a Sign

Recently I found myself on a hot afternoon, piling my three young girls into the van after a long morning. We were hot, tired, and hungry, which any parent knows is a hazardous situation. Because of the circumstance,...


What are Omega 3’s?

We’ve all heard that there are “good” and “bad” fats. Well, omega-3 fats are the “good” or healthy fats. They are considered “essential”. That’s a dietitian’s way of saying our bodies need them,...



Recently, there has been a lot of celebrity discussion about the link to autism and vaccines. Two Hollywood moms, Jenny McCarthy and Amanda Peet, have gone head to head trying to sway the public’s opinion. In...


Tooth Care

A helpful guide to caring for your child's teeth whether they are a baby or a toddler Young children are not able to clean their own teeth. As a parent, you must do it for them when they are very young and do it...


Moving from Crib to Bed

When your child moves from crib to bed it's a milestone in his life as well as yours. There is no precise time for making this move, though typically it's between the first and third birthday. The key to success is to...


Baby Tantrums

Learn about it A baby’s first tantrum can take you by surprise. Your baby can really shock you by shrieking, stamping, hitting, or making his whole body go stiff. But don’t take it personally; baby tantrums...

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