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Sleep Tips from The Baby Sleep Site

BABY SLEEP TIPS Baby Sleep Tip #1: Baby Suddenly Not Sleeping Well? Keep Calm and Carry On! It's not unusual for a baby who's been sleeping like a pro to suddenly start refusing naps and waking at night....



Your otherwise calm baby has turned into a drooling, cranky, red-cheeked little crier. You watch as he is constantly biting, chewing and rubbing his gums with anything he can get his hands on. His own hands and fingers...

Teething 250

Teething Time

As a daddy to six kids, I know as well as anyone that every child is different. And in the spirit of uniqueness, teething often varies from baby to baby. So if you think your baby is teething, here’s what you can do...

Toddler Massage 250

Massage For Your Growing Child: How to...

The power of nurturing touch and massage has been shown to help children with social development, motor and cognitive development as well as emotional regulation and selfsoothing. Studies show that children who received...

Vintage Sports Labels

Summer Camp Experience for Little Kids:...

It is possible to find a camp for your young child, which suits their needs, based on the interests and the activities they enjoy. Whether your child goes to camp for the day or overnight you want to make sure they have...

siblings 250

Rivalry Between Siblings

Relationships between brothers and sisters are often made of complicity, happy memories and bonding. However, we have to admit that these relationships sometimes have their share of jealousy and rivalry. A certain...

Crazy Pumpkin

Halloween Dictionary

If you have kids Halloween is a whole season unto itself.  A lot of time and effort goes into this celebration of … well, of candy I guess. I can’t help with your kids costumes or the appointing of your home with...


To Preschool or Not to Preschool

Preschool education is the not-uncontroversial provision of education to very young children between the ages of zero or two and the age of five, before the child is set to begin mandatory education. Preschool is...

meditating toddler

Meditating Munchkins

As I sit in my backyard at this very moment enjoying a warm, late spring breeze, listening to the wind chimes and birds chatting to and fro, I am struck by how few of us pay attention to the wee details of life. In 2010...

preschool kids

Montessori Preschools: Preschool vs....

Montessori preschool programs are basically synonymous with the Montessori Casa program. Montessori Casa comes from Maria Montessori's own description of her early childhood program as "the children's house," or "the...

toddler camp

Summer Camps for Toddlers: Tips For...

  Have you heard about toddler camps? Wondering if you should send your littlest ones away for the day to try it out but not sure where to start or what information you need to choose the right camp for their age?...

infant swimming

The Importance of Learning to Swim at a...

While it’s never too late to learn how to swim, there are great benefits that can be realized when learning at an early age. AquaMobile Swim School discuss a few of the top reasons to get your little fishes in the...

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