Childbirth: The Making of a Woman into...
It can be hard to understand what is right for you when there is a constant opinion about the right way to experience childbirth. If you are planning your pregnancy and childbirth, here are some important questions to...

Pregnancy Month by Month
There is perhaps no one better than you — a mamma-to-be or a mom of two who knows just how much the body (your’s and baby’s) can change during pregnancy. Dr. Suzanne Wong, the Interim Chief and Medical...

Stretch Marks
You notice an ungracious line, then another, then another. Stretch marks are there. Of course it isn’t the end of the world… but it has slightly undermined your self-confidence. Between 75% and 90% of women...

Getting Your Name on the Birth...
After all the struggles you endured your child has been born through the gift of a surrogate. You have been congratulated on becoming parents by everyone except the law. Canadian provincial laws recognize the woman who...

Am I a freak of nature?
Am I a freak of nature? My family and friends would say yes. Why? Because when I look back into the labour and birth of my now nine-month old daughter, I say “it wasn’t that bad!” Yes, you read that right- it...

A Grandmother’s Decision to Leave a...
Dr. Dhun Noria is not only the distinguished Chief of Laboratory Medicine at The Scarborough Hospital but also a proud new grandmother. Her circle of friends includes laboratory specialists, nurses, obstetricians and...

Managing Gestational Diabetes
Pregnant women who have never had diabetes but develop high blood sugar (glucose) levels during pregnancy are said to have gestational diabetes (GDM). According to the American Diabetes Association, it is estimated that...

Yoga For Fertility
By: Kerri Winick Lori Rimkus dreamed of motherhood, but the journey there wasn’t easy. After several unsuccessful pregnancies, she needed to clear the chatter in her head. “Am I ever going to be able to have a...

Finding A Donor or Surrogate
Whether it is because of a medical condition or just fate, many couples in Canada need to rely on a third party to have a baby. But where does a couple find a third party whether it’s a surrogate or a donor? Assuming...

Vitamin B6 for your healthy body
Vitamin B6 is a valuable, yet often overlooked substance essential to health. For women in particular, it can play a significant role in health and well-being at various life stages. Long known to be a factor in...

Shameless Recommendations - Five baby...
Disclaimer: These shameless recommendations are shared by one parent (me) to another (you). These items are baby gear that I (the recommending parent) have tried hands-on (without payment nor gifts of cake). Through...

Why doulas are a mom's best friend
Looking for a way to decrease the length of your labour, reduce your need for pain medication, decrease your chances of needing a forceps delivery or a Caesarean, and leave you feeling satisfied about your birth...