Oh Mommy

Why it’s important to never delay...
The most vulnerable time in your little one’s life is during the first two months. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, immunization against the 13 vaccine-preventable diseases begins at two...

One on One with Saphia Khambalia
We can understand how tough it is to adapt to dressing and looking good with a growing baby bump. Now imagine doing that every day onair? We spoke to Toronto TV personality and Citytv News Reporter, Saphia Khambalia,...

Welcome to the ImmunizeCA App!
Have you forgotten about your little one’s immunization appointment? Or have you ever lost the immunization card or forgotten to bring it to your medical appointment or on vacation? We’ve all been there — lack of...

Preserving Memories for a Lifetime
Time seems to fly by when you’re a parent. As a new parent time seems to fly by. Before you know it, your little one will be walking, talking and going to school. In 2014 with cameras and smartphones, we take more...

Oh Baby, Oh Baby
Some days you wake up and the universe hands you things that you are not prepared for, but you are always able to work with it, or you never would have been dealt this hand in the first place. Today was one of those...

Common Car Seat Mistakes - Are You...
Take a moment to consider this sobering thought – whether you’re driving around the corner or heading out on a road trip, accidents can happen at any time. Fact: Results from safety checks across Canada reveal...

Introducing BConnected: Parent Blogger...
We are pleased to announce BConnected, Canada’s first social media and network conference targeting mom and dad bloggers; however it is open to any bloggers looking to enhance their social media and blogging skills....

Five Useful Tips about Buying Baby...
The nursery is perhaps the most important place where your little one will spend a lot of time. It is really important to make sure that whatever furniture you choose for your baby, be it a crib, glider, dresser or...

Keep only the ones you love!
Do you have hundreds of vacation photographs from last year (or previous years) to go through? It's almost too much to bear, isn't it? I know how you feel! You love them all, but your hard drive space is limited. We...

Family matters when it comes to taxes!
If you have a family, filing an income tax return is about more than just declaring what you owe – it’s an opportunity to take advantage of the many credits and benefits available to support your family finances....

Industrial Alliance Presents "My...
“My Baby Virtual Fair”, the virtual exhibition for the family in Canada, returns for its second edition and will take place between March 12 and 14, 2014 at www.mybabyvirtualfair.com. Following its huge success in...

Responsible Parenting and Social Media
There's no getting around it: social media is now an integral part of our lives. We tweet, post and even read celebrity mom blogs. This trend means much more than finding new ways to entertain ourselves, though. For...