Welcome to the ImmunizeCA App!

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Have you forgotten about your little one’s immunization appointment? Or have you ever lost the immunization card or forgotten to bring it to your medical appointment or on vacation? We’ve all been there — lack of sleep and trying to remember everything doesn’t go together very well.

Welcome to the ImmunizeCA App!

ImmunizeCA was developed in collaboration between the Canadian Public Health Association, Immunize Canada and the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, with funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada. Its goal is to help Canadians keep track of their vaccinations and appointments, plus have easy and convenient access to their routine provincial or territorial vaccination schedule and to information about recommended travel vaccinations.

How does it work?

  • Download the free ImmunizeCA app at the App Store, Google Play or Blackberry World. If you don’t have a smartphone, you can access the app online at immunize.ca/app.
  • Create a profile for you and your family by entering your dates of birth and the province that you live in.
  • You can input all of your family’s vaccination history as part of your profile.
  • Using the information provided, the app will retrieve the recommended vaccination schedule for your province and ages, and will tell you when to schedule upcoming vaccines.
  • If you move, change the province that you live in and the app will make the necessary change in recommended vaccines based on your new residence.
  • Concerned about privacy? The app can be password protected and no information is stored on an external server (unless you back it up on iCloud or GoogleDrive).

The ImmunizeCA app is available for free download now! Visit immunize.ca/app or your smartphone’s app centre.


Please note: the ImmunizeCA app is not an official vaccination record, it is simply to keep track of vaccinations and appointments for the public’s convenience.


Baby Care & Parents Information - Oh Baby! Magazine Canada