Oh Mommy

Ask A Sleep Expert: Nightmares
Q: “Last night, my son who is 3.5 years old woke screaming for me at 2am. It was a very sudden and scared scream. When I went into him he just kept saying he wanted to get out of his room. He ended up sleeping with us...

Ask a Sleep Expert: 6 Month Sleep...
Q: “My 6 month old normally sleeps 6:00pm - 7:00am but has been waking around 5:00am some mornings as I think she's going through some major milestones. I just leave her to fall back asleep but sometimes she cries for...

How I Found My Parenting Village
It’s one thing to want to have a baby. It’s quite another thing to become a parent. I learned that lesson the hard way within weeks of giving birth to my first child. Julie was everything I had dreamed of and so...

Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?
Q. I should be happy that my baby's here, so why am I weepy and overwhelmed? Your wonderful baby may be everything you dreamed of, and yet the challenges of new parenthood can be difficult to handle. The days...

Ask Kat: Drinking while breastfeeding
As the mum of three small boys, an expert in baby products and a no-nonsense parent, resident blogger Kat Armstrong always seems to be called upon by friends, family and strangers to answer tough parenting questions. We...

Ask Kat: Starting Solids and Rice Cereal
As the mum of three small boys, an expert in baby products and a no-nonsense parent, resident blogger Kat Armstrong always seems to be called upon by friends, family and strangers to answer tough parenting questions. We...

Ask Kat: Cloth vs Disposable Diapers
As the mum of three small boys, an expert in baby products and a no-nonsense parent, resident blogger Kat Armstrong always seems to be called upon by friends, family and strangers to answer tough parenting questions. We...

Ask Kat: Lonely SAHD
As the mum of three small boys, an expert in baby products and a no-nonsense parent, resident blogger Kat Armstrong always seems to be called upon by friends, family and strangers to answer tough parenting questions. We...

Ask Kat: Parenting Styles
As the mum of three small boys, an expert in baby products and a no-nonsense parent, resident blogger Kat Armstrong always seems to be called upon by friends, family and strangers to answer tough parenting questions. We...

Yard Safety
It's nice to have an outdoor space where you can let your kids play, but before you let them roam free - here are some ideas on how to make your backyard safe for your little ones: 1. Install childproof locks on...

Healthy Eating: Where to Start? 3...
So you’ve decided to make some changes and eat healthier, but you just don’t know where to start. It can be confusing trying to weed through all the exaggerated marketing and fad diets to understand the facts about...

Ask Kat: Parent Tribe
As the mum of three small boys, an expert in baby products and a no-nonsense parent, resident blogger Kat Armstrong always seems to be called upon by friends, family and strangers to answer tough parenting questions. We...