Oh Mommy

Social Egg Freezing?! Really?
In response to the Saturday, October 27, 2012 article by Jodie Shupac – To Freeze or Not To Freeze – That is the Question: When did choosing to have a family instead of pursuing a professional career symbolize...

No News is Good News
“Hey be careful with that toe of yours”, I said to my 10 year old son as he attempted to cut his toenail with what appeared to be medieval pinking shears, “I grew it for you, after all”, I said. He looked over...

Introducing Young Children to Winter...
Winter offers many opportunities for families to participate in outdoor recreation. Alpine skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing and snowshoeing are all sports that families can enjoy together and pursue as...

Pumpkin Decorating Alternatives
When I was 12 my parents let me carve my own pumpkin for the first time. I was beyond excited. As I was cutting away, my hand slipped on the slimy pumpkin and I sliced the fleshy part of my hand between my thumb and...

How to Deal with Monsters, Bad Dreams,...
1) Read stories and watch shows that debunk traditional monster fears. Stories that represent other children bravely or humorously while facing their fears can be wonderful at allaying false beliefs. When my...

The Daycare Drop-Off – Getting Kids...
As the mama of six children between the ages of three and twelve, I know the challenges of getting little people out the door in the morning. I often describe organizing children as “herding cats”. Working mamas...

Quit While You're Ahead
“You look good!” “For someone who’s had four kids.” “Especially since one of those kids is 21.” Okay stop. In fact, stop two sentences ago. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that no mom...

Routines for Healthy Learning!
It’s time to plan for back to school! While you might immediately think of buying new backpacks, markers, lunch bags and indoor runners, you should also be thinking how you can make your morning routine a little...

What to know so you can prepare for the...
It’s no surprise that a pregnancy stereotype is that pregnant woman have to pee so often. As your baby grows, and the uterus expands, pressure is put on your pelvic muscles. One in three women, in their first...

“Oh, Those Judgmental Mommies!”
By: Jennifer Lubell How to Deal with and Deflect their comments The attack is sneakier than a Scud missile...and before you know it, you feel bewildered, bruised, and seeking shelter. No, I'm not talking about the...

Les Enfants Terrible: C’est tout.
I think North American women are ready to put up an “arret” sign against the recent barrage of books by French femmes who are writing about how they drink champagne, eat foie gras and don’t get fat; bring up...

Why do I need a Maternity Bra?
At some point during pregnancy, reality hits all women! In addition to the bouts of morning sickness, our breasts begin to expand and change. But while we change other parts of our wardrobe, we neglect our...