Have you taken your newborn to the park yet?

By: Sandy Pedrogao park

When you’re a new mom it’s easy to get cabin fever and spend time wondering what to do that doesn’t involve a mop or washing machine to fill your days.

Your local park is not just for toddlers and kids. You and your newborn can and should enjoy countless afternoons at the park.
Here are some tips to make your outing an enjoyable one:

– You’ll need a fully stocked diaper bag you may have to change your baby’s diaper while you’re out.

– A blanket will come in handy for diaper changes or for just lounging on under a tree.

– Be prepared with an extra feed. If you’re breastfeeding – amazing. If you’re not – don’t forget to bring a couple of bottles with you. Today may be the day that your baby is extra hungry or you may meet a new or old friend on your walk – you don’t want to have to rush home because you don’t have enough milk for your baby.

– Bring a bottle of water and snack for you. If you’re nursing you’ll find that you’re hungrier and thirstier than usual.

– It’s lovely to be able to read while you sit in the park during your baby’s sleep, so bring a book or magazine with you. It’s not often that you get to read or spend quiet time by yourself.

– Remember to stay out of direct sunlight with your baby. You shouldn’t be applying sunscreen to a baby under six months old, so make sure they’re dressed appropriately. Look into a sun canopy for your stroller with UV protection. This will make it easier to venture out on a sunny day without exposing your baby to harmful rays.

Getting outside is important for both you and your baby. Fresh air can do wonders for sleep and can help set your baby’s circadian rhythm. Sunshine and walking will help with your moods and seeing and talking to other parents in your neighbourhood will give you a sense of community and connection.

You just had a baby – time to introduce him/her to the world!




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