Our magazine is dedicated to providing readers with information to support them through pre-conception, during pregnancy, and throughout their child’s early years. Regular Oh Baby! features include: nutrition and health tips, recipes, fun contests, new products and innovations, an extensive resource directory, and more. Oh Baby! Magazine really delivers!

Give thanks for less time in the kitchen

If you are hosting Thanksgiving this year, SupperWorks can help with these fun time saving tips. 1. Plan ahead. Make a list of everything you need from tablecloths and napkins, to drinks and food. Spend a bit of time each day gathering the things you need. If you think you have everything at home already, pull it all out and get it cleaned off so you aren't stressing the day of the party. 2. Rent Rent Rent. If you are having a big group, a...

October 6, 2014 Read Blog

Flu or Meningitis? Recognizing the differences can make all the difference

It’s back – yes, unfortunately, cold and flu season is upon us. Most parents would probably like to skip over cold and flu season entirely, but unfortunately that isn’t possible. However, becoming familiar with symptoms and being better prepared for the season is possible, which is important, since the early symptoms of Meningitis are similar to those of the flu. Given that infants are at an increased risk of infection with Meningitis, we...

October 6, 2014 Read Blog

How to Successfully Co-Parent

Divorce is hard enough to go through as an adult, however, when kids are involved the struggle can reach a whole new level. I’ve compiled a list of do’s and don’ts that will make co-parenting a little bit easier, so that you and your ex are able to focus on being the best pso Pandora Beads Australiaarents you can be. Do: Communicate with your ex. As much as you likely don’t want to communicate with your ex after a divorce, you need to...

October 2, 2014 Read Blog

The Ultimate School Lunch Checklist For Healthy Litterless Lunches

Its September and school lunches are back in the news – mostly because everyone quickly runs out of ideas of what to put in them. There seems to be two camps on school lunches– on the one side we have those that take great pride in creating amazing works of art that are beautiful to look at and also healthy to eat. I secretly admire those parents and wish I was one of them . . . or had one of them – those lunches look so good! The...

October 1, 2014 Read Blog

The Tooth Fairy is a Cash Grab

Well, it's official. M lost her first and second teeth at the beginning of September, actually a week between each of them. It's funny to re-live all the feelings of excitement through your children, I love every second of it! It all started when M's tooth became loose and she decided to "advise" me that the Tooth Fairy brings money if you put your tooth under your pillow. She also corrected me when I said, "Yes, she leaves a coin" to tell me...

October 1, 2014 Read Blog

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