Benefits of investing in an RESP
Many parents are unaware of the money they can access and the opportunities they have to save for their child’s post secondary education. And, with the current market volatility, many are skeptical about relying on...

Top Ten Tips for Creating a Birth Plan
1. Remember, your baby is going to come when the baby wants to come. Your baby is in charge. Your baby does not read the due date on the prenatal chart or your sonogram report. Your due date is used to manage the...

Packing for the Hospital
If you’re planning a hospital birth make sure that you are prepared for your stay - even if you’re just going to be there for one day. By the end of your pregnancy you’ll be anxiously awaiting the arrival of your...

Pregnancy the 2nd Time Around
It's likely to be one of the first questions that runs through your head when you find out that you're expecting another baby: how will this pregnancy be different from my first? While you'd need a crystal ball in order...

Pregnancy and Loss
Being Happily Pregnant During the Saddest Time in My Life Being happily pregnant during the saddest time in my life sounds contradictory, but it's true. In less than three years, I lost the three most important...

Dress Warm
Expectant Mothers Although many pregnant women find that the extra activity going on in their body keeps them warm during the winter months, Canada's chilly climate makes outer layers a necessity. However, buying a...

Ways to Destress During Pregnancy
It’s not just important to physical and mental wellbeing to relax in pregnancy, it’s a positive health command, as stress has been linked with premature birth, low birthweight, and infant behavioral problems. To...

Baby Shower Games
Bottoms up: Get 5 little plastic babies (in the cake decorating department). Put them in a cup. Each guests get three "rolls" as they try to get the babies to land with their bottoms up. The player with the most bottoms...

Baby Fever
Why It's So Easy to Over-shop for Baby? Finding yourself being hit with the urge to buy something - anything - for your baby-to-be? Sounds like you've been hit with a bad case of baby fever - a condition that tends...

8 Ways to Beat Morning Sickness
Has pregnancy morning sickness got you down? Not to worry - here are some super morning sickness solutions that can help! Ever since a blossoming, pregnant Lucy Ricardo announced to the television world that she was...

Cravings Fact or Fiction?
Fact or fiction? The can't-get-it-out-of-your-head craving. You just sent your partner out for a triple-fudge sundae and a super-sized bag of dill pickle potato chips. It would seem that you've been hit with the...

Prenatal Yoga
When you ask women what brought them to prenatal yoga classes, the answer is seldom yogic or profound. Initially many women arrive because a doctor or a friend referred them. They feel fat and everything hurts. They...