Oh Mommy

Breastfeeding your baby
Breastfeeding creates a strong bond between mother and baby if feeding time is relaxed and pleasurable for both. Make sure your baby can see you, and smile and talk to him while he is suckling. He will come to associate...

What are Omega 3’s?
We’ve all heard that there are “good” and “bad” fats. Well, omega-3 fats are the “good” or healthy fats. They are considered “essential”. That’s a dietitian’s way of saying our bodies need them,...

Your Pregnancy & Exercise Q&A
How soon can I exercise after my baby is born? You can start as soon as you’ve been cleared by your doctor to slowly get back into an exercise regime. The general guidelines for a normal pregnancy and an uneventful...

Parental Leave Around the World
Did You Know…? In 2007, Spain announced a pay-out of $3,500 for each new baby born. To increase Germany’s low birth rate,the government recently overhauled the parental leave system to include generous...

Once Upon a Baby
Child development experts have been telling parents, for what seems like forever, about the benefits of reading to your child. Now no one can doubt that fact, but there is one element of reading to your child that is...

The Diaper Bag Checklist
You have a baby and a new diaper bag – now you have to make sure that you have everything else you’ll need for an outing. What do you put in your diaper bag? When you are packing your diaper bag, always take into...

Postnatal Yoga: The non-traditional way
I am so tired but I must do it. I drag the board over to place in front of the TV. I walk the four steps over to turn the console and TV on. Grabbing the remote, I aim and click to set up the Wii Fit. My newest baby...

Too Posh to Push?
Last year I had my sixth child by way of a sixth c-section. There isn’t a “zipper in the abdomen” joke I haven’t heard. I’ve also heard a lot of surprise that a woman would be “allowed” to have so many...

The Name Game
What do "Appletree," "Seaborn," and "Fohla" have in common? Brace yourselves, readers. They are all given names with which full-grown adults have saddled their sweet innocent babes. Oh yes, my friends. It turns out...