Oh Mommy

Benefits of Breastfeeding
We've all heard how beneficial breastfeeding is to both mommy and baby. Here are some interesting facts: Did you know? 1. Breast milk has natural antibiotic qualities, and many mothers swear that a squirt in...

Lullaby and Goodnight
Lullaby and Goodnight As a new parent you may find yourself rocking your baby to sleep and struggling to remember the simplest of lyrics to the lullabies that you remember from your childhood. We thought we'd help...

Daddy, Play with me
The clock in Jeff's car glows 6:40pm as he rolls into the driveway after another long and tiring day at work. He opens the door to his home with a weary sigh and drops the mail next to the answering machine, which is...

Childhood Fever
Every year during flu season I am swamped with calls from concerned parents regarding the treatment of a childhood fever. While fevers are upsetting to parents and uncomfortable for a child, fevers are a natural...

Bug Off!
Summer is a great time to be out with the kids. But are you prepared? With the threat of West Nile, the mosquito problem is a huge issue so we must take precautions to avoid getting bitten. Here are some...

A Signing Story
Just a few years ago signing with your baby was a novel idea. Parents felt using sign language with babies was reserved for children with special needs or that signing with babies would delay a child's speech...

Why Music is Good For Babies
Babies love music, and music is good for their development. If you can't carry a tune, don't fret. There are lots of ways to bring music into your baby's life. Learn about it For hundreds of years, mothers have...

Cleanup in Aisle Five!
Food shopping with a toddler really puts the "gross" in grocery. "Shop till you drop." It takes on a new and urgent meaning when you hit the produce department with a 1-year-old. I am on my fourth toddler. Don't...

10 Steps for Effective Pumping
Pumping can be a challenge under the best of circumstances. It feels a little strange because of the newness, it's certainly not as effective as a baby and it can sometimes be frustrating to figure out. Try these...

Our helpful glossary of childhood ailments. Cradle Cap: A skin condition in babies characterized by a yellowish or brownish scaly buildup on the head; may also be accompanied by redness in the creases of the...

Back to Work After Baby
Returning to work after maternity leave doesn’t have to be the stuff of which new mom nightmares are made. Here are some mom-proven strategies for making the transition as stress-free as possible for you and your...