My Glucose Tolerance Test
At 27 weeks in my 2nd pregnancy one sunny morning I’m off to do my glucose tolerance test. For this test it is required to fast, so I haven’t eaten since about 8 pm the night before. So far I’m doing pretty good, the only thing that worries me is the constant heartburn that I’ve experienced since my first trimester.
Funnily enough, the only way I have found to control this heartburn is of course to eat – so I’m in for a great morning. Getting to the lab was a piece of cake, say goodbye to hubby and two year old and walk in with a smile – only this lab is packed. Uh-oh this means more time without food. Thanks to a number system, I waited about 45 minutes before I even gave the receptionist my requisition. I did my first round of bloodwork, drank the glucose drink – yummy, especially since at this point I’m already starving, and sat in the waiting room for one hour. Then I did another round of bloodwork, and sat in the waiting room for another hour.
At this point I was dreaming of Big Macs and oranges (don’t ask), they finally did my last round of blood work and after being poked countless times – I have very uncooperative veins – I was given the o.k to go and have lunch. Overall, it wasn’t that bad, the waiting room was very entertaining – it was busy all day.
Aside from the 3 hours of waiting and my persistent heartburn it went well, now all I have to do is wait for my results. A small price to pay for reassurance that everything is going well with this pregnancy.