Getting Back in the Fashion Swing

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Being pregnant was the greatest experience of my life thus far. I loved everything about it (outside of the morning sickness). I loved how it made my hair shine and my skin glow. I loved how cute I looked in my maternity Seven jeans. But all good things must come to an end. I went through labour and had a beautiful baby girl, but was left with a post-partum body that I was less than pleased with.

With over a decade of experience in the fashion industry, my image and that of others, is something I take very seriously. Approximately three months after my daughter was born, I decided to go through my closet and try on my pre-baby clothes. As a Personal Stylist by trade, you would think this would be an easy task. Transitioning clients back into the realm of fashion was something I could do in my sleep. Suffice to say, this was not the case. None of my pants fit me the way they used to. My tops seemed too short. My jeans, once sexy and low-waisted, were now a hideous disaster. It was also at this moment I realized I had fallen into the familiar trap of wearing stretch pants and maternity jeans well past what I used to deem acceptable.

The result – I was guilty of committing many post-baby fashion crimes; crimes I often warned my own clients against doing. As the panic and embarrassment set in I took a step back and tried to be reasonable. My Oprah “ah hah” moment hit me. I had to start working with my new body and lifestyle and embrace it as a rite of passage.

Step #1

Acknowledge your biggest weak spot. For me, this was my mid-section. I knew it had to be covered and minimized at all times, so I began wearing higher-waisted jeans. Instantly my belly was tucked away neatly by the denim and controlled the way it should be. Many others find their problem is in the thigh and butt area. One solution to hiding this problem area is to go up a pants size, to get a nice fit around the thigh. Then take in the waistline with a small alteration to give you a perfect fit. You will instantly look 5-10 pounds thinner.

Step #2

Expand your wardrobe. As a self proclaimed jeans and t-shirt girl, I knew I would have to add some new pieces to my closet. The dress pant became my new best friend. With its forgiving stretch waistline, my love handles no longer bulged over the sides. I also became friendly with skirts, dresses, and other foreigners.

Step #3

A new bust-line. I analyzed my new and ‘improved’, very large breasts. Those t-shirts with plunging neckline and fitted sweaters were no longer sweet and sophisticated on me; they were just plain old offensive! So out came the blazers and button down shirts. Both accentuated my figure without making me look like a Playboy Bunny. Another small step taken towards my fabulous new look!

Getting back into the swing of things after having a baby is hard no matter how you cut it. Having an organized closet with pieces that fit and flatter you can help more than you realize. So as much as you may dread it, it is crucial to sort out your closet, keeping the items that you can still work with and tossing the pieces you can’t. Once you’re done sorting, go out and buy few new pieces that work with the pieces you’ve decided to keep. This will help develop an entirely new look that will make you feel fabulous (even with spit up on your shirt) without breaking the bank. I recommend buying a large plastic Tupperware container to place those special items you’re not just ready to part with. For me it was my low slung jeans, shorter sweaters, and uber tight t-shirts. But remember the golden rule – if you’re not sure about something, put it away for a few months or a season. If you revisit them and they still don’t work for you, get rid of them.

Without a doubt, like mine, your new look will be different. But I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t feel different after having a child. Embrace it, and happy shopping.

About the Author:

As part of the fashion industry for over 15 years, Yael Panet has witnessed trends come and go, and yet has remained loyal to her own personal philosophy – “wear what works for you.”

In her 10 years with top Toronto fashion boutique TNT, Yael has worked with a diverse clientele; from corporate professionals to stay at home moms, she has become an expert at understanding their different wardrobing needs.

Focusing on each client’s body type and lifestyle, Yael has stayed true to her fashion mantra and helped her clients develop and maintain their individual style. Visit for stylish options!

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