

Immunization: recommended vaccines for Canadian children

What is immunization?

Immunization may also be called vaccination, baby shots or needles. It is the best protection against many serious diseases.

How does it work?

Vaccines trigger your child’s own immune system to make antibodies to fight diseases. For immunization to work best, children must have all their vaccinations – on time.

Is it safe?

Immunization is very safe. If you have any concerns, call your doctor or public health office, or go to

What should I do to protect my child?

Call your doctor or public health office to set up a time for your child’s vaccinations.

Keep a written record of all your child’s vaccinations.

These are the vaccines routinely recommended for children, from infancy to adolescence. These vaccines provide the best protection against serious illness, disability or even death. Most of these vaccines are available at no charge. Check with your doctor or public health office for the specific details of these vaccines in your province or territory.

  • DTaP Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine
  • IPV Inactivated poliovirus (polio) vaccin
  • Hib Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (meningitis, blood infection)
  • MMR Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine
  • dTap Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis adolescent/adult type vaccines
  • HepB Hepatitis B vaccine (liver infection)
  • V Varicella vaccine (chickenpox)
  • PC Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (meningitis, blood infection, pneumonia, ear infections)
  • MC Meningococcal C conjugate vaccine (meningitis, blood infection)
  • Flu Influenza vaccine is recommended annually for children aged 6-23 months and for children of any age with chronic health conditions.

For more information: Contact your doctor or local health office, or: Canadian Coalition for Immunization Awareness and Promotion c/o Canadian Public Health Association 400 – 1565, Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON K1Z 8R1 Tel: 613-725-3769 Fax: 613-725-9826




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