
Pregnancy after 40

It can be more than a little disconcerting to hear yourself described as "elderly" or "of advanced maternal age" when you only recently celebrated your 40th birthday, but, in the eyes of the obstetrical profession,...


Working During Pregnancy

Follow these tips to get the most from your job while caring for your body's changing needs. Establish your comfort zone Gone are the days when a woman was expected to resign from her job the moment she found...


Lifestyle Changes

Exercise and healthy eating during your pregnancy can help you have a healthy child. There are also some substances you will want to avoid during your pregnancy. Smoking The effects of smoking (cigarettes, cigars,...


Lady in Waiting. Bed rest: harder than...

Some people hear the term bed rest and are instantly envious: the idea of spending the day lounging and having other people do everything for you initially sounds appealing. The reality is that bed rest can be mentally...


Pregnancy the 2nd Time Around

It's likely to be one of the first questions that runs through your head when you find out that you're expecting another baby: how will this pregnancy be different from my first? While you'd need a crystal ball in order...


Your Pregnancy Weight Gain Plan

What's right for you Just as there's no such thing as "one size fits all" pantyhose (at best, they're "one size fits some"!), there's no such thing as a "one size fits all" recommendation for weight gain during...


Time to Chill

In a perfect world, you would automatically be granted an exemption from stress for the entire nine months of pregnancy, but since that's not likely to happen any time soon, you're going to have to come up with some...


Pregnancy and Sex

There's no need to spend the next nine months fumbling around in the dark, looking for answers to all your pregnancy-related sex questions. Here are the answers to those questions that you've been waiting for someone...


What Do Doulas Do?

Birth Doulas A Birth Doula understands the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a woman in labour. She assists the woman and her partner in preparing for and carrying out her plans for birth. She provides...


Your Pregnancy & Exercise Questions...

Is it safe to swim for exercise while pregnant? Swimming and biking are examples of non weight bearing exercises and are indicated during pregnancy, but within reason. Make sure to limit your duration to 30 minutes,...


The Struggle to Conceive

What is infertility? A woman is considered infertile if she tries unsuccessfully for one year or more to conceive having consistent, unprotected sex. This definition also applies to women who suffer repeated...


Coffee, Tea &Baby: Is Caffeine Safe...

Every day almost 90 per cent of North Americans consume some form of chocolate, coffee or tea; caffeine can be difficult to avoid. Although expectant mothers should talk to a physician for more information about...

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