Vous êtes enceinte. Maintenant...
Vous êtes enceinte, et vous n’avez rien à porter! Félicitations! Vous êtes enceinte. De trois mois, plus exactement. Vous ne pouvez plus boutonner vos jeans et tous vos t-shirts sont soudainement trop...

Too Posh to Push?
Last year I had my sixth child by way of a sixth c-section. There isn’t a “zipper in the abdomen” joke I haven’t heard. I’ve also heard a lot of surprise that a woman would be “allowed” to have so many...

Varicose Veins
Many women first develop unsightly varicose veins, or find that they get worse, during pregnancy. As your uterus grows, it puts pressure on the large vein on the right side of your body, which in turn increases pressure...

Top Ten Tips for Expectant Mothers
1. Vitamins: Take prenatal vitamins with folic acid and essential fatty acids, starting two to three months before conception (when you start having unprotected sex in order to get pregnant). Take at least 800...

What you need to know about Surrogacy...
What is a surrogate? A surrogate is someone who carries your child in her womb and gives birth for you. Most people who are considering surrogacy probably already know this but did you know there are actually two types...