Oh Mommy

Q&A Pregnancy and Exercise
I am four months along in my high risk pregnancy. I have also been in Muay Thai Kickboxing for two years. Can I safely continue a cardio Kickboxing and bag boxing regime? Lucy In a high risk pregnancy you have to be...

Babies: Pumping Iron
There's been a lot of talk recently about the crucial role that iron plays in promoting healthy growth and development in babies and young children—and for good reason. Iron is the key ingredient in hemoglobin, the...

Baby On Board
An Overview of Canada's Seatbelt & Carseat Laws Car crashes are the number one cause of death for Canadian children! A properly installed car seat can reduce the risk of serious injury or death by as much as 71...

Pregnancy and Loss
Being Happily Pregnant During the Saddest Time in My Life Being happily pregnant during the saddest time in my life sounds contradictory, but it's true. In less than three years, I lost the three most important...

Are you feeling the Postpartum...
It’s been a couple of months since the birth of baby and the revolving door of visitors has almost slowed to a halt. Life is feeling normal again and you’re proud of the routine that you’ve established with baby...

Exercise Dos and Dont's During Pregnancy
Exercise during pregnancy can be beneficial to you and your baby but must be done with caution: remember pregnancy is not a time to train for that marathon! Here are some dos and dont's for exercising for "two" and as...

Fingers & Spoons
Toward the end of the first year, a baby’s weight gain tends to slow down dramatically. This is a time of growing independence, and often babies who have been good eaters in the past become more difficult to...

The Sleep Doula
After being a trained birth and postpartum doula for over five years, and having two children 18 months apart, Tracey Ruiz realized there was a need for a support system for parents of babies who have problems sleeping...

Gestational Diabetes
What you Need to Know About Gestational Diabetes One in 20 previously non-diabetic women will develop gestational diabetes during her pregnancy. Since this condition arises in the 28th week of pregnancy, babies born...

Going Nuts Over Nuts
For most people, peanuts and tree nuts are yummy protein rich foods, though for an increasing number of Canadian children with serious allergies, peanuts and tree nuts might as well be arsenic, radioactive waste, or the...

How to calm your crying baby
When we're pregnant or awaiting adoption, we dream about our baby-to-be, we always envision those beautiful Hallmark card scenes: charming baby smiling up at peaceful mother's face. We read books in advance of the big...

POP = Put On Protection
Education on sun safety is an extremely important issue that we all need to be knowledgeable in. Sometimes we believe we are fairly educated in sun safety but there are many misconceptions that need to be raised. First...